Auriculibuller Sampaio & Fonseca (2004)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This chapter discusses the genus Auriculibuller. It provides a systematic discussion of the species and concludes with comments on the genus. The diagnosis of the genus is done on the basis of asexual, sexual, physiology, and biochemistry, and phylogenetic placement. In asexual reproduction yeast cells are ovoid or elongate, and budding is multilateral or polar. Ballistoconidia are formed and are rotationally symmetrical. Cultures are cream colored and become darker upon aging. In sexual reproduction the sexual structures are formed in the filamentous state and the hyphae have clamp connections and form haustorial branches. The sexual state has only been observed in culture, and basidiocarps are not formed. Basidia are usually transversely septate, occasionally longitudinally septate, and arranged in small clusters or in pairs. The basidiospores are produced at the apex of tubular sterigmata and are forcibly discharged. They are globose, rotationally symmetrical, and germinate by budding or repetition. The salient features of Auriculibuller are the formation of transversely septate basidia and its phylogenetic affiliation with the Tremellales. This type of basidial formation is rare in the Tremellales as most sexual species (e.g., those classified in the genera Bulleromyces, Fibulobasidium, Tremella, or Trimorphomyces) produce basidia of the Tremella type, i.e., they have subglobose to pyriform basidia that are longitudinally or obliquely cruciate-septate. © 2011

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Yeasts
Number of pages3
ISBN (Print)9780444521491
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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