O artigo aborda a relação entre gesto, memória e recordação, mostrando a suaimportância para a criação artística. O impulso é dado por Aristóteles e por uma matriz antigade afinidade entre corpo e memória, mas é a releitura de algumas “imagens de pensamento”de Walter Benjamin e das suas reflexões sobre as questões do gesto e da estranheza em Prouste Kafka que permite articular os vários momentos. Este percurso irá atravessar a fotografiae a literatura, com referências a Proust, Kafka, Clarice Lispector e Claude Cahun. Trata-se deprocurar respostas para as seguintes questões: de que forma um gesto ou um movimentocorporal podem desencadear em nós uma relação com o passado? E que articulação entrememória e corpo está subjacente a esta experiência? De que forma a modernidadeintensificou a experiência da estranheza, não apenas em relação à nossa própria identidade,mas também em relação ao mundo que nos rodeia e a um passado a que deixamos de teracesso? E, neste cenário, quais as possibilidades de ação? Por último, como é que a arteaproveita ou pode aproveitar estas experiências?
The article addresses the relation between gesture, memory and remembrance,showing its importance for artistic creation. The driving force comes from Aristotle andfrom an ancient affinity between body and memory, but it is the rereading of some of WalterBenjamin’s “thought images” and of his remarks on Proust and Kafka concerning the issuesof gesture and strangeness that allows an articulation between the several moments. Thispath will crisscross photography and literature, with references to Proust, Kafka, ClariceLispector and Claude Cahun. The following questions will be tackled: in which way can agesture or a bodily movement trigger in us a relation to the past? And what sort of articulationbetween memory and body is behind this experience? In which way did modernity intensifiedour experience of strangeness, regarding not only our own identity, but also our surroundingworld and a past that is beyond our reach? And in this scenario what field of action do wehave? At last, how does (or how can) art embrace these experiences?
The article addresses the relation between gesture, memory and remembrance,showing its importance for artistic creation. The driving force comes from Aristotle andfrom an ancient affinity between body and memory, but it is the rereading of some of WalterBenjamin’s “thought images” and of his remarks on Proust and Kafka concerning the issuesof gesture and strangeness that allows an articulation between the several moments. Thispath will crisscross photography and literature, with references to Proust, Kafka, ClariceLispector and Claude Cahun. The following questions will be tackled: in which way can agesture or a bodily movement trigger in us a relation to the past? And what sort of articulationbetween memory and body is behind this experience? In which way did modernity intensifiedour experience of strangeness, regarding not only our own identity, but also our surroundingworld and a past that is beyond our reach? And in this scenario what field of action do wehave? At last, how does (or how can) art embrace these experiences?
Original language | Portuguese |
Pages (from-to) | 77-86 |
Number of pages | 10 |
Journal | ArteFilosofia |
Volume | 22 |
Publication status | Published - 2017 |
- gesto
- memória
- processo criativo
- estranheza
- corpo
- recordação