As relações entre Portugal e Brasil durante a invasão aos enclaves de Dadrá e Nagar-Aveli nas páginas do Diário da Manhã, Diário de Lisboa e Novidades

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The article analyzes the coverage of newspapers Diário da Manhã and the catholic Novidades, New State supporters, and Diário de Lisboa, in the oppositional spectrum, on the repercussion in Brazil about the invasion of the indian enclaves of Dadrá and Nagar-Aveli on July 22, 1954. That is, focuses on the texts that expose the position of support of the brazilian authorities, the demonstrations of solidarity of the Portuguese community in Brazil, the opinion of intellectuals about the case, among others. We demonstrate how, between late July and early august of this year, such reports were frequent in the three journals, with subtle differences in approach between them. This significant presence of Brazil in the newspapers is understood in the context of the adoption by the New State, in the mid-40's decade of the XX century, of the luso-tropicalism as colonial ideology, and is analyzed from the perspective of social imaginary of Bronislaw Baczko (1991).

Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)235-252
Number of pages18
JournalEstudos em Comunicacao
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017

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