Aproximación etnográfica del periodista de la Transición como fuente histórica: Estudio de la relación con los actores políticos y de los cambios en la producción de los medios escritos

Translated title of the contribution: An ethnographic approach of the journalist during the Spanish Transition as a historical source: a study of the relationship with political actors and of the changes in the production of print media

Carles Pont-sorribes, Rita Luis, José M. Sanmartí

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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En este artículo estudiamos la prensa escrita española durante los años de cambio político a partir de los actores que producían su contenido: los periodistas. Presentamos las interpretaciones que estos hacían del papel de la prensa diaria en la Transición Democrática. Los resultados han sido obtenidos mediante la realización de grupos focales (focus groups) con conjuntos diferenciados de periodistas españoles activos en medios de comunicación durante los años 1972-1982.

In the present article the Spanish press throughout the years of political change is approached by means of its content producers: journalists. As such we present their interpretations of the part the Spanish daily press had throughout the years of the democratic transition. These results were achieved by carrying out focus groups with different sets of journalists, actives in newspapers between 1972 and 1982.
Translated title of the contribution An ethnographic approach of the journalist during the Spanish Transition as a historical source: a study of the relationship with political actors and of the changes in the production of print media
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)141-156
Number of pages16
JournalHistoria y Comunicación Social
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Periodismo
  • transición española
  • política
  • franquismo
  • medios de comunicación y periodismo político
  • Journalism
  • Spanish Transition
  • Politics
  • Francoism
  • Mass Media, and political journalism


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