Applying risk-based approaches to implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the North-East Atlantic: Learning lessons and moving forward

Emma Verling, Cátia Bartilotti, Claudia Hollatz, Miriam Tuaty-Guerra, Jorge Lobo-Arteaga, Tim O'Higgins

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Risk-based Approaches (RBA) are increasingly playing an explicit and important role in a number of environmental regulations across Europe and globally. In this paper, we summarise a generic RBA developed for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and its application to two descriptors of Good Environmental Status (GES) for marine waters, Non-Indigenous Species and Underwater Energy and Noise (Descriptors 2 and 11). We provide an overview of the findings and outcomes emerging from the application, which focus on identifying common advantages as well as common challenges encountered in the application of the RBA. Recommendations are then made, aimed at identifying potential solutions to the common problems, particularly in relation to data and expert-judgement approaches. Further recommendations address the development of governance structures to facilitate the uptake of risk-based approaches at the level of the MSFD common implementation strategy. Finally, some general and specific recommendations are made to effectively embed RBA and enhance regional cooperation for future implementation of the MSFD.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105667
Number of pages9
JournalMarine Policy
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023


  • Expert judgement
  • Harmonisation
  • MSFD
  • Non-indigenous species
  • Risk assessment
  • Underwater noise


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