Angular and polarization analysis for two-photon decay of 2s hyperfine states of hydrogenlike uranium

L. Safari, P. Amaro, J. P. Santos, F. Fratini

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10 Citations (Scopus)


The amplitude of two-photon transitions between hyperfine states in hydrogenlike ions is derived based on the relativistic Dirac equation and second-order perturbation theory. We study angular and linear polarization properties of the photon pair emitted in the decay of 2s states, where spin-flip and non-spin-flip transitions are highlighted. We pay particular attention to hydrogenlike uranium, since it is an ideal candidate for investigating relativistic and high-multipole effects, such as spin-flip transitions. Two types of emission patterns are identified: (i) non-spin-flip transitions are found to be characterized by an angular distribution of the type W(θ)∼1+cos2θ while the polarizations of the emitted photons are parallel; and (ii) spin-flip transitions have somewhat smaller decay rates and are found to be characterized by an angular distribution of the type W(θ)∼1-1/3cos2θ while the polarizations of the emitted photons are orthogonal, where θ is the angle between photons directions. Deviations due to nondipole and relativistic contributions are evaluated for both types of transitions. This work is the first step toward exploring the effect of the nucleus over the angular and polarization properties of the photon pairs emitted by two-photon transitions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014502
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jul 2014


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