Analyzing teachers’ knowledge based on their approach to the information provided by technology

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Teachers’ knowledge plays a central role in technology integration. In this study we analyze situations, where there is some divergence between the mathematical results and the information offered by the graphing calculator (lack of mathematical fidelity), putting the focus in the teachers and in their approaches. The goal of this study is to analyze, in the light of knowledge for teaching mathematics with technology (KTMT) model, the teachers’ professional knowledge, assuming the situations of lack of mathematical fidelity as having the potential to reveal some characteristics of their knowledge. Specifically, considering the teaching of functions at 10th grade (age 16), we intend to analyze: (1) What knowledge do the teachers have of technology and of its mathematical fidelity? (2) What can the teachers’ options related to situations of lack of mathematical fidelity tell us about their knowledge in other KTMT domains? The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative approach based on the case studies of two teachers. Data were collected by interviews and class observation, being the analysis guided by the KTMT model. The main result points to the relevance of the mathematics and technology knowledge. However, there is evidence of some difficulties to integrate the information provided by the technology with the mathematics, and also of some interference of the teaching and learning and technology knowledge, and specifically of the knowledge related to the students. This suggests that the analysis of the teachers’ actions in relation to situations of lack of mathematical fidelity, can be useful to characterize their KTMT.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)132-145
Number of pages14
JournalEuropean Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Issue number1
Early online date10 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


  • graphing calculator
  • KTMT
  • mathematical fidelity
  • teacher knowledge


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