Analysis of nucleotides binding to chromatography supports provided by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Carla Cruz, Eurico J. Cabrita, João A. Queiroz

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The epitope mapping of nucleotides bound to three chromatography supports is accomplished using saturation transfer difference (STD)-NMR spectroscopy. This experiment involves subtracting a spectrum in which the support was selectively saturated from one recorded without support saturation. In the difference spectrum only the signals of the ligands that bind to the support and received saturation transfer remain. The nucleotide protons in closer contact with the support have more intense signals due to a more efficient transfer of saturation. We investigate the effects on the binding to the nucleotides by the introduction of a spacer arm between L-histidine and Sepharose. Our NMR experiments evidence a clear contribution of the spacer to the interaction with all the nucleotides, increasing the mobility of the amino acid and giving different STD responses. This enhanced mobility originates the reinforcement of the interactions with the sugar moiety and phosphate group of 5'-CMP and 5'-TMP or the base of 5'-GMP and 5'-UMP. Hence, with this study we show that by using STD NMR technique on chromatographic systems it is possible to provide a fast, robust and efficient way of screening the atoms involved in the binding to the supports.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3559-3564
Number of pages6
JournalJournal Of Chromatography A
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jun 2011

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