An Arduino-Based Talking Calorimeter for Inclusive Lab Activities

Victor V. Gomes, Sofia C. F. Cavaco, Carmen P. Morgado, João Aires-De-Sousa, Julio C. B. Fernandes

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This work describes a simple talking calorimeter for the visually impaired based on the Arduino Uno without any shield. An electronic interface was designed using a Wheatstone bridge, a thermistor, or an operational amplifier (opamp). The temperature values are communicated by a loudspeaker connected to pulse-width modulation (PWM) digital output pins 3 and 11 of the Arduino Uno. The system is based on the Talkie library for Arduino Uno. This library was developed using Linear Predictive Coding and includes about 1000 English words. Two new Talkie libraries were constructed, one for Portuguese and another for German. This device can be easily implemented in any teaching laboratory with extremely reduced costs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1677-1681
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Chemical Education
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jun 2020


  • Demonstrations
  • General Public
  • Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives
  • Multimedia-Based Learning
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Thermodynamics


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