An abductive paraconsistent semantics - MHP

Mario Abrantes, Luís Moniz Pereira

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


In this paper we present a paraconsistent abdutive semantics for extended normal logic programs, the paraconsistent minimal hypotheses semantics MH P. The MHP is a semantics of total paraconsistent models wich combines the merits of two already existing semantics: it inherits the existence property of the abductive minimal hypotheses semantics MH [1], which is a semantics of total models, and the property of detection of support on contradiction of the paraconsistent well-founded semantics with explicit negation WFSXP [2], which is a semantics of partial paraconsistent models. The MHP enjoys also the property of simple relevance, which permits top-down query answering for brave reasoning purposes. Besides, the MHP lends itself to various types of skeptical and brave reasoning, which include the possibility of drawing conclusions from inconsistent models in a nontrivial way. The MHP coincides with the MH on normal logic programs, and with the WFSXP on stratified extended programs.


  • Abduction
  • Hypotheses
  • Paraconsistency
  • Partial Paraconsistent Model
  • Semantics
  • Total Paraconsistent Model


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