Accelerating web-entrepreneurship in local incubation environments

Carlos Agostinho, Fenareti Lampathaki, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves, Oscar Lazaro

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


This paper explores novel forms of technological and digital societal innovation putting the full potential of the Future of Internet into Web-based innovation, web-Entrepreneurship and Internationalization (IEI) of businesses. It introduces an approach to extend and complement existing incubation environments, which are no longer sufficient to deal with the dynamicity of the Web-Entrepreneur. Based on personal and professional relations, and new business models empowered by social media and the Web 2.0, together with a set of interoperable ICT services supporting virtual or agile enterprises, the authors propose a federation of open-source platforms for the to-be born and existing enterprise life-cycle management, instantiating the Unified Digital Enterprise concept. The novel approach ensures full reuse of existing solutions, developing targeted research to support web-entrepreneurship with cooperation between people, businesses, and assets, namely focusing on innovative methods and architectures for competitive intelligence; crowd-based market sensing; idea incubation and simulation; knowledge intensive team building; as well as interoperability to enable internal federation and external platform integration.

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Business Information Processing
ISSN (Print)18651348


Conference2nd International Workshop on Advances in Services Design based on the Notion of Capabiliy, ASDENCA 2015, 3rd International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems Engineering, COGNISE 2015, 1st International Workshop on Digital Business Innovation and the Future Enterprise Information Systems Engineering, DiFenSE 2015, 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling, EM 2015, 1st Workshop on the Role of Real-World Objects in Business Process Management Systems, RW-BPMS 2015, 10th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Researc, TEAR 2015 and 5th International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering, WISSE 2015 held in conjunction with 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2015


  • Future internet
  • Open innovation platforms and services
  • Unified digital enterprise
  • Web-Entrepreneurship


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