Absortion of Information provided by Business Intelligence Systems: The effect of information quality on the use of information in business processes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The fields of business intelligence and business intelligence systems have been gaining relative significance in the scientific area of decision support and decision support systems. In order to better understand mechanisms for providing benefits of business intelligence systems, this research establishes and empirically tests a model of business intelligence systems’ maturity impact on the use of information in organizational operational and managerial business processes, where this effect is mediated by information quality. Based on empirical investigation from Slovenian medium and large-size organizations the proposed structural model has been analyzed. The findings suggest that business intelligence system maturity positively impacts both segments of information quality, yet the impact of business intelligence system maturity on information media quality is greater than the impact on content quality. Moreover, the impact of information content quality on the use of information is much larger than the impact of information media quality. Consequently, when introducing business intelligence systems organizations clearly need to focus more on information content quality issues than they do currently.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICEIS2010: 12th International Conference on enterprise Information Systems
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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