Abolição da pena de morte e mudança institucional Portugal, 1867

Translated title of the contribution: Abolition of the death penalty and institutional change. Portugal, 1867

Maria João Vaz, João Estevens

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O artigo analisa a abolição de pena de morte para crimes civis em Portugal (1867), interpretando-a num quadro de mudança institucional. Argumenta-se que esta abolição teve origem numa efetiva penetração das ideias liberais transacionais na elite portuguesa e foi possibilitada pela acalmia no ambiente securitário nacional e transnacional. Tal permitiu que o estado se focasse no desenvolvimento da sociedade portuguesa e na sua modernização. Este progresso não poderia acontecer pela via socioeconómica, restando o progresso moral ou civilizacional como o caminho possível para alimentar a estratégia de progresso na segunda metade de Oitocentos.
This article analyses the abolition of the death penalty for civil crimes in Portugal (1867), which it interprets within a framework of institutional change. The authors argue that the origin of this abolition was an effective penetration of transactional liberal ideas among the Portuguese elite, and was made possible by the fact that the national and transnational security environment had calmed down, which in turn enabled the state to focus on the development and modernisation of Portuguese society. It was impossible for this progress to happen by socioeconomic means, which left moral or civilisational advances as the possible path to fuelling a strategy for progress in the second half of the 19th century.
Translated title of the contributionAbolition of the death penalty and institutional change. Portugal, 1867
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)85-102
Number of pages18
JournalSociologia, Problemas e Práticas
Issue number95
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


  • Abolition movement
  • Death penalty
  • Institutional change
  • Penal system
  • pena de morte
  • movimento abolicionista
  • sistema penal
  • mudança institucional


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