A survey of electromagnetic influence on uavs from an ehv power converter stations and possible countermeasures

Yanchu Li, Qingqing Ding, Keyue Li, Stanimir Valtchev, Shufang Li, Liang Yin

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It is inevitable that high-intensity, wide-spectrum electromagnetic emissions are generated by the power electronic equipment of the Extra High Voltage (EHV) power converter station. The surveillance flight of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is thus, situated in a complex electromagnetic environment. The ubiquitous electromagnetic interference demands higher electromagnetic protection requirements from the UAV construction and operation. This article is related to the UAVs patrol inspections of the power line in the vicinity of the EHV converter station. The article analyzes the electromagnetic interference characteristics of the converter station equipment in the surrounding space and the impact of the electromagnetic emission on the communication circuits of the UAV. The anti-electromagnetic interference countermeasures strive to eliminate or reduce the threats of electromagnetic emissions on the UAV’s hardware and its communication network.

Original languageEnglish
Article number701
Number of pages18
JournalElectronics (Switzerland)
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 17 Mar 2021


  • Countermea-sures
  • Drone
  • Electromagnetic interference
  • Extra high voltage (EHV)
  • High voltage direct current (HVDC)
  • Influence
  • Power converter station
  • Ultra high voltage (UHV)
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)


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