A tese de doutoramento das páginas que se seguem investiga as retóricas de poder nas obras Dinossauro Excelentíssimo (1972), de José Cardoso Pires, e El otoño del patriarca (1975), de Gabriel García Márquez. Para tal, recorre-se à metodologia comparatista, às ferramentas analíticas do entre-lugar e da análise interdiscursiva, em articulação com uma revitalização dos processos canónicos de Retórica (inventio, dispositio, actio/pronuntiatio, memoria) e com a ferramenta do homo rhetoricus, e ainda com uma investigação sobre o fenómeno de poder, ditadura e violência. Neste âmbito, elabora-se um estudo do subgénero narrativo novelas de dictadura y dictador e alguns elementos do contexto histórico que antecedem e acompanham o surgimento das ditaduras no século XX, na Europa e América Hispânica, para compreender como se associam com vista à constituição de uma retórica de poder nas obras. Investiga-se também o papel da censura e da violência, articulando a análise comparatista e literário-retórica com os estudos de memória e pós-memória, a partir dos quais se reavalia o valor de memória literária como parte da “mente literária”. O seu propósito é providenciar uma visão interdisciplinar e interdiscursiva, porque analítico-literária e comparatista, que reconfigure os moldes em que se estudam as estruturas e processos de Retórica e os discursos (retóricos, artísticos, políticos) presentes no discurso literário, em articulação com o estudo das ditaduras no século XX e com o fenómeno de poder. O argumento central desta tese é a compreensão e análise do poder enquanto sistema literário-retórico, com recurso à metodologia comparatista, em duas obras do século XX de espaços geo-culturais distintos, mas entre as quais se verifica uma aproximação histórico-cultural devido aos regimes repressivos que representam. Esta tese contribui para uma revitalização da Retórica enquanto corpo disciplinar aplicado aos estudos literários comparados, pois, além do conjunto de recursos estilísticos ou expressivos, observa-se como as estruturas e cânones da Retórica configuram uma outra forma de examinar os discursos, imagens e ideias do poder. Além dos cânones, será utilizado o recente instrumento do homo rhetoricus, e ver-se-á como a censura e a autocensura participam nessa formação de retóricas de poder. Pretende-se contribuir também para a amplificação do comparatismo enquanto sistema transdisciplinar e como espaço do entre-lugar e da análise interdiscursiva, para um estudo das retóricas do poder e da pós-memória na literatura. Aplica-se, a partir da História das Ideias, conceitos de poder que possam ser utilizados como parte de um novo conjunto de ferramentas de análise literária comparada. Nesta tese, entende-se o poder como lógica, semântica, metafísica, política e ética, ou seja, como hierarquia, significação, forma, espaço e desintegração, como base de estudo que contribua para um estudo dos sentidos, ou significados, de poder na literatura.
The doctoral thesis in the following pages aims to investigate the rhetoric of power in the literary works Dinossauro Excelentíssimo (1972) by José Cardoso Pires, and El otoño del patriarca (1975) by Gabriel García Márquez. To this end, comparative methodology and the analytical tools of entre-lugar (in-between-place, literally) and interdiscursive analysis are used, associated with a revitalization of Rhetoric processes and structures (inventio, dispositio, actio/pronuntiatio, memoria), the homo rhetoricus’ tool, and an investigation on the phenomenon of power, dictatorship and violence. In this regard, a study of the (typically Hispanic American) narrative genre “novels of dictatorship and dictators” will be provided and expanded, as well as some elements from the historical context that precede and follow the rise of dictatorships in Europe and Hispanic America, to understand how they link towards a rhetoric of power in the literary works mentioned. This thesis also investigates the role of censorship and violence within and from the literary works, combining the comparative and literary-rhetorical analysis with memory and post-memory studies, to reevaluate the value of literary memory as part of a “literary mind”. Its purpose is to provide an interdisciplinary and interdiscursive perspective that reconfigures the ways in which rhetoric processes and structures are studied, as well as the (rhetorical, artistic, political) discourses within the literary discourse, combining these with the study of dictatorships in the twentieth century and the phenomenon of power. The central topic of this thesis is the comprehension of power as a literary-rhetorical system, regarding comparative methodology, in two literary works of the twentieth century from different geo-cultural spaces. Nevertheless, an historical, cultural, and literary proximity is observed between these literary pieces because of the dictatorial regimes they represent. This thesis aims to make a contribution on the revitalization of Rhetoric as a theme and structure, besides the rhetorical figures and devices, to rethink the discourses, images, and ideas of power within literary works. Furthermore, the recent rhetorical tool homo rhetoricus will be used, as well as the censorship and self-censorship in the development of the rhetorics of power. It also aims to contribute to the amplification of comparative literature studies as a transdisciplinary system, and a space where entre-lugar and interdiscursive analysis are considered, towards a study on rhetoric of power and post-memory in literature. It applies concepts of power that can be used as part of a new set of analytical tools in comparative literary studies. In this thesis, power is understood as logics, semantics, metaphysics, politics and ethics, that is, as hierarchy, significance, form, space and disintegration, as a base of study that provides new insights into the study of the meanings and words of power in literature.
The doctoral thesis in the following pages aims to investigate the rhetoric of power in the literary works Dinossauro Excelentíssimo (1972) by José Cardoso Pires, and El otoño del patriarca (1975) by Gabriel García Márquez. To this end, comparative methodology and the analytical tools of entre-lugar (in-between-place, literally) and interdiscursive analysis are used, associated with a revitalization of Rhetoric processes and structures (inventio, dispositio, actio/pronuntiatio, memoria), the homo rhetoricus’ tool, and an investigation on the phenomenon of power, dictatorship and violence. In this regard, a study of the (typically Hispanic American) narrative genre “novels of dictatorship and dictators” will be provided and expanded, as well as some elements from the historical context that precede and follow the rise of dictatorships in Europe and Hispanic America, to understand how they link towards a rhetoric of power in the literary works mentioned. This thesis also investigates the role of censorship and violence within and from the literary works, combining the comparative and literary-rhetorical analysis with memory and post-memory studies, to reevaluate the value of literary memory as part of a “literary mind”. Its purpose is to provide an interdisciplinary and interdiscursive perspective that reconfigures the ways in which rhetoric processes and structures are studied, as well as the (rhetorical, artistic, political) discourses within the literary discourse, combining these with the study of dictatorships in the twentieth century and the phenomenon of power. The central topic of this thesis is the comprehension of power as a literary-rhetorical system, regarding comparative methodology, in two literary works of the twentieth century from different geo-cultural spaces. Nevertheless, an historical, cultural, and literary proximity is observed between these literary pieces because of the dictatorial regimes they represent. This thesis aims to make a contribution on the revitalization of Rhetoric as a theme and structure, besides the rhetorical figures and devices, to rethink the discourses, images, and ideas of power within literary works. Furthermore, the recent rhetorical tool homo rhetoricus will be used, as well as the censorship and self-censorship in the development of the rhetorics of power. It also aims to contribute to the amplification of comparative literature studies as a transdisciplinary system, and a space where entre-lugar and interdiscursive analysis are considered, towards a study on rhetoric of power and post-memory in literature. It applies concepts of power that can be used as part of a new set of analytical tools in comparative literary studies. In this thesis, power is understood as logics, semantics, metaphysics, politics and ethics, that is, as hierarchy, significance, form, space and disintegration, as a base of study that provides new insights into the study of the meanings and words of power in literature.
Translated title of the contribution | The rhetoric of power in Dinossauro Excelentíssimo by José Cardoso Pires and El otoño del patriarca by Gabriel García Márquez |
Original language | Portuguese |
Qualification | Doctor of Philosophy |
Awarding Institution |
Supervisors/Advisors |
Award date | 2 Jul 2020 |
Place of Publication | Lisboa |
Publisher | |
Publication status | Published - 22 Sept 2020 |
- Comparatismo
- Comparative Literature
- Rhetoric
- Hispanic-American Literature
- Latin-American literature
- Portuguese Literature
- Contemporary Literature
- Hispanic Studies
- Iberian Studies
- Portugal and Colombia
- Dictatorships
- Dictators
- Novelas de dictador
- Novelas de Dictadura
- Fable
- Epic
- Satire
- Entre-lugar
- Interdiscursive analysis
- Worlding
- Homo rhetoricus
- Invention
- Disposition
- Action and performance
- Monumentalism
- Oppresion
- Tyranny
- Censorship
- Memory Studies
- Post-Memory
- Literatura comparada
- Retórica
- Poder
- Literatura Hispano-americana
- Literatura Portuguesa
- Literatura do século XX
- Portugal
- Colômbia
- Estudos Hispânicos
- Estudos Ibero-Americanos
- Estudos Ibéricos
- Caribe
- Ditadura
- Ditador
- Regimes Autoritários
- Fábula
- Épica
- Sátira
- Estudos Literários Comparados
- Análise Interdiscursiva
- Mundificação
- Invenção
- Disposição
- Acção e performance
- Monumentalismo
- Memória
- Repressão
- Tirania
- Censura
- Violência
- Pós-memória
- José Cardoso Pires
- Gabriel García Márquez
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Prémio Científico Mário Quartin Graça 2021
Lopes Barata, Eduarda Gil (Recipient), 9 Dec 2021
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