A resilient continuous-time consensus method using a switching topology

Guilherme Ramos, Daniel Silvestre, A. Pedro Aguiar

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This paper addresses the design problem of a resilient consensus algorithm for agents with continuous-time dynamics. The main proposal is that by incorporating a switching mechanism selecting the network topology to avoid malicious nodes from communicating, the remaining nodes will converge to a value closer to the original steady-state without the attacker being present. The switching occurs at discrete-time steps where each node evaluates the reputation score of the neighbors and deactivates/ignores edges in the network. We explore the proposed method with illustrative examples ranging from static topologies to dynamic ones, considering directed and undirected graphs, presenting several attacking scenarios that are successfully mitigated with our method. Finally, we compare the best undetectable attacking strategy and the commonly used approach named MSR, highlighting the advantages of our method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105381
Number of pages9
JournalSystems & control letters
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


  • Agents and autonomous systems
  • Consensus methods
  • Reputation systems
  • Resilient systems
  • Switching systems


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