A new species of the spore genus Costatoperforosporites from Early Cretaceous deposits in Portugal and its taxonomic and palaeoenvironmental significance

Mário Miguel Mendes, Eduardo Barrón, David J. Batten, João Pais

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


A new species of spore, Costatoperforosporites friisiae sp. nov., is described from the Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian) deposits of Catefica in the Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal. Although the morphology of the muri is clearly of the Cicatricosisporites type, the presence of micropores on these sculptural elements and within the intervening grooves is a particularly distinctive feature and more typical of spores that have been attributed previously to Costatoperforosporites. As a result, this genus is emended not only to accommodate Costatoperforosporitesfriisiae but also to differentiate it more clearly from other, similar, murornate genera. It is considered to represent the family Anemiaceae. So far, Costatoperforosporitesfriisiae has only been encountered in the Catefica palynoflora. The presence of many other pteridophyte spores, especially of schizaealean derivation, together with abundant cheirolepidiacean remains at this locality, strongly suggests a warm, moist climate and diverse source vegetation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)401-409
Number of pages9
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2017


  • Almargem Formation
  • Anemiaceae
  • canaliculate spores
  • cicatricose spores
  • Costatosperforosporites
  • Early Cretaceous
  • Portugal


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