A Literatura Africana na Imprensa Cultural Portuguesa (1953-1959)

Translated title of the contribution: African literature in Portuguese Cultural Press (1953-1959)

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Neste artigo apresenta-se o debate em torno da realidade e significado das literaturas africanas, em particular a de expressão portuguesa, que teve lugar nos jornais em Portugal entre 1953 e 1959. Destaca-se o papel de mediação e de amplificação que esses órgãos tiveram, e o modo como dialogaram entre si, muitas vezes de forma conflitual, e também com os próprios livros onde essa literatura era publicada. Ter-se-á em atenção o contexto dos processos de descolonização e afirmação cultural africana, bem como as discussões sobre a natureza e as funções da arte.

This article presents the debate around the reality and meaning of African literature, particularly that from Portugal’s colonial territories, which took place in newspapers in Portugal between 1953 and 1959. We highlight the role of mediation and amplification that these organs played, and the way theydialogued with each other, often in a conflictive manner, and with the very books in which this literaturewas published.
The context of decolonization processes and African cultural afirmation will be taken into account, as well as discussions about the nature and the functions of art.
Translated title of the contributionAfrican literature in Portuguese Cultural Press (1953-1959)
Original languagePortuguese (Brazil)
Pages (from-to)106-126
Number of pages21
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • African literature
  • Literary supplements
  • Mediation
  • Cultural identity.


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