A journey through PROTEOSONICS

José E. Araújo, Elisabete Oliveira, P. Kouvonen, G. L. Corthals, Carlos Lodeiro, Hugo M. Santos, José Luis Capelo

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Ultrasonic energy is gaining momentum in Proteomics. It helps to shorten many proteomics workflows in an easy and efficient manner. Ultrasonic energy is nowadays used for protein extraction, solubilisation and cell disruption, to speed protein identification, protein quantification, peptide profiling, metal-protein complexes characterisation and imaging mass spectrometry. The present review gives a perspective of the latest achievements in ultrasonic-based sample treatment for proteomics as well as provides the basic concepts and the tools of the trade to efficiently implement this tool in proteomics labs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-80
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2014


  • Protein
  • Proteomics
  • Review
  • Sample preparation
  • Utrasonic
  • Ultrasoun


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