A inserção profissional de licenciados e mestres: Efeitos paradoxais da feminização do ensino superior em temposde incerteza

Translated title of the contribution: The transition into working like of first degree and master graduates: Paradoxical effects of the feminization of higher education in times of uncertainty

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A sobrerrepresentação feminina entre alunos do ensino superior com melhores resultados escolares eem patamares académicos mais elevados coexiste com diferenças marcantes na inserção profissional dediplomados e diplomadas, geralmente em desfavor destas. Com base na análise de dados quantitativos relativosaos graduados da Universidade Nova de Lisboa entre 2010 e 2015, evidencia-se que os percursos profissionais dehomens e mulheres evoluíram de forma distinta no recente cenário de incerteza laboral e económica, sendo asassimetrias particularmente marcadas entre licenciados por comparação com mestres.

Female overrepresentation among higher education students with better school outcomes and higher academic levels coexists with marked differences in the transition to work of male and female graduates, often in disfavor of female. Based on the analysis of quantitative data regarding the graduates of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa between 2010 and 2015, it is evident that the professional paths of men and women have evolved differently in the recent scenario of job and economic uncertainty, with particularly marked asymmetries among first degree graduates compared to master graduates.

Translated title of the contributionThe transition into working like of first degree and master graduates: Paradoxical effects of the feminization of higher education in times of uncertainty
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)103-126
Number of pages24
JournalSociologia, Problemas e Práticas
Issue number95
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Higher education
  • Sex
  • Transition to work


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