A entrada del Rey D. Manoel em Castella: Ceremonial and musical links, between the courts of D. Manuel and the Catholic Monarchs, 1498

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Following the death of D. João II in 1495, D. Manuel was crowned King of
Portugal. Two years later he married Isabel of Castile (widow of prince Afonso), resulting in the reigniting of intense musical connections between the Spanish and Portuguese royal courts. The early months of their marriage coincided with the death of Isabel’s brother, prince Juan, heir to the Castilian throne, with the result that they unexpectedly became heirs of the joint Castilian, Aragonese and Portuguese crowns. In March 1498 Manuel and Isabel travelled to Toledo and Zaragoza for the oath-taking ceremonies, taking with them representatives of the royal court along with the capella real and musicians. Four years later, an almost identical ceremony took place in Toledo when the Philip the Handsome and princess Juana were sworn as heirs to the Castilian throne, for which there were also a series of important ceremonies.
This extremely significant meeting of the Portuguese court and the courts of Catholic Monarchs in 1498 has been somewhat overlooked and has certainly not entered musicological literature to date. Yet close investigation into accounts of this event and available documentation concerning musicians reveals a number of connections between the courts, some of which are indicative of employment patterns at that time and probable musical exchanges. Further, analysis of biographical data, including of leading Spanish composers such as Francisco de Peñalosa, reveals that this occasion may have been pivotal for subsequent careers of many musicians. This paper outlines this important event, highlighting its musical elements, the connections to be found between Portuguese and Spanish musicians, and the possible ramifications of these encounters.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2015
EventENIM 2015: V Encontro Nacional de Investigação em Música - Évora, Évora, Portugal
Duration: 12 Nov 201514 Nov 2015


ConferenceENIM 2015
Abbreviated titleENIM 2015
Internet address


  • Portuguese Royal Court
  • King Manuel I of Portugal
  • Music in Portugal
  • Catholic Monarchs
  • Music in Spain


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