A Dialética Tempo-Espaço em Poesia, de Francisco Bugalho

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Francisco Bugalho is commonly recognized as a landscape poet-painter, whose verses configur and refer to a predominantly rural physical and geographical space, corresponding to the Alentejo’s microcosm. However, the analysis of the work shows that the author’s book Poem is not confined to the theme of land and agricultural labor with Alentejo as a background. The contemplation of the landscape provides a serious reflection on life, in a complex triadic perspective that involves the categories subject – time – space. Francisco Bugalho’s ars poetica reflects, obsessively, the question of temporality: that linked to natural time, astronomical time, corresponding to the seasons, and the durée mentioned by Bergson, the so-called subjective or psychological time.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)261–282
Number of pages20
JournalRevista Portuguesa de Humanidades
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Francisco Bugalho
  • Literature
  • Space
  • Subject
  • Temporality

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