A coincidência da invenção poética revolucionária com a invenção política revolucionária: os casos das obras Cuba Colectiva e 48 Artistas, 48 Anos de Fascismo

Translated title of the contribution: The coincidence of the revolutionary poetic invention with the revolutionary political invention: the cases of the pieces Cuba Colectiva and 48 Artists, 48 Years of Fascism

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Este artigo incide sobre a relação entre as experiências de pintura colectiva Cuba Colectiva (Havana, 1967) e 48 Artistas, 48 Anos de Fascismo (Lisboa, 1974) e o impacto que tiveram no contexto português da sua realização. Em 1967, Portugal vivia uma ditadura e embora os artistas portugueses Lourdes Castro e René Bertholo tivessem participado na pintura realizada em Havana, o acontecimento não teve repercussão na imprensa portuguesa. A revolução portuguesa de 25 de Abril de 1974 permitiu a abertura a uma série de experiências artísticas realizadas em espaço público. Foi nesse contexto que a pintura portuguesa foi executada. O artigo irá indagar sobre o significado poético e político da relação entre as duas realizações.

This article focuses on the relationship between the collective painting experiences Cuba Colectiva (Havana, 1967) and 48 Artists, 48 Years of Fascism (Lisbon, 1974) and the impact they had on the Portuguese context of their production. In 1967, Portugal was under a dictatorship and although the Portuguese artists Lourdes Castro and René Bertholo had participated in the painting carried out in Havana, the event had no repercussion in the Portuguese press. The Portuguese revolution of the 25th of April 1974 allowed the opening of a series of artistic experiments carried out in public spaces. It was in this context that the Portuguese painting was executed. The article will inquire about the poetic and political meaning of the relationship between the two realizations.
Translated title of the contributionThe coincidence of the revolutionary poetic invention with the revolutionary political invention: the cases of the pieces Cuba Colectiva and 48 Artists, 48 Years of Fascism
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)138-162
Number of pages25
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022


  • Censorship
  • Cold war
  • Colective painting
  • Dictatorship
  • Revolution
  • Ditadura
  • Revolução
  • Censura
  • Guerra Fria
  • Portugal
  • Cuba
  • Pintura Colectiva


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