Ângelo de Sousa and the happening To beat or not to beat: a forgotten story and a political counter‑discourse

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Este artigo tem como objectivo apresentar o happening To beat or not to beat, que teve lugar em duas sessões em 29 e 30 de Junho de 1967 no Teatro Experimental no Porto (TEP). Para o documentar usarei um artigo de jornal e testemunhos orais, um deles de Ângelo de Sousa, que era por essa altura professor na Escola de Belas Artes do Porto. Discutirei esses dois momentos performativos e o seu impacto subversivo na época, como um contra‑discurso ao regime ditatorial de Salazar e à situação
política então vivida. A concluir, sublinharei sinteticamente a importância deste happening e do gesto performativo na obra de Ângelo de Sousa.

This paper aims to present the happening To beat or not to beat, which took place in Porto in two sessions on the 29th and 30th June 1967 at the city’s Experimental Theatre (TEP). In order to document the event I will use a newspaper article and oral testimonies, one of them from the painter Ângelo de Sousa, who was at that time a lecturer at the Porto School of Fine Arts. I will discuss those two performative moments and their subversive impact at the time, as a counter‑discourse to the regime and the political situation of Salazar’s dictatorship in the place that they were devised. Finally, I will underline synthetically the importance of this happening and the performative gesture in
Ângelo de Sousa’s work.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12-20
Number of pages9
JournalRevista de História da Arte. Série W
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • História da performance
  • Anos 60
  • Happening
  • Ângelo de Sousa
  • Performance history
  • 1960s


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