Activities per year
Personal profile
Research interests
My rechearch is supervised by José Mapril, Assistant Professor at FCSH Anthropology Department (DA).
It considers the impact of sea patrimonialization in Ericeira and explores how official discourses about Portuguese maritime heritage are related to the (re)definition of surfing and fishing practices in the village. Also accounts for the reconfigurations generated by this process in creating a habitus of sports, work and leisure.
Personal information
Vera Azevedo has a BA in Acting at ESTC-Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa(1987), a BA in Anthropology at ISCTE – IUL (2008) and a MSc in Social and Cultural Anthropology at ICS-Universidade de Lisboa [2011). Her MSc thesis ‘Mozambique on Stage: Nation, Gender and Modernity in Theatre (Maputo 1992-2010)’ explore issues of identity and concepts of nation and modernity in postcolonial Mozambican theatre performances.
PhD candidate at NOVA-FCSH with the thesis 'Surfers and Fishermen:Heritage, Work and Sport in Ericeira' , FCT PhD fellow (2017-2020) and PhD Candidate Researcher at CRIA, she investigates processes of transformation in fishing villages due to the practice of surfing and is interested in reflecting on the contemporary processes of patrimonialization applied to the sea and its relationship with the creation of a “habitus” of sports, leisure and work.
In the area of social sciences, she was volunteer at the 5th APA Congress 2009 (Lisbon) and assisted Professor V.Y. Mudimbe at CES-International Conference 2008 (Coimbra). Also participated in the Annual Social Science Campus 2007-CODESRIA - Cultural Productions in Contemporary Africa (Durban, South Africa) with the project ‘Arts and Rebuilding Identities: A Theatre Project in Mozambique‘. In the area of theatre, besides working as an actress from 1985 to 1994, she was assistant at the technical direction of the National Theatre D. Maria II (Lisbon) from 1995 to April 2017, participated in workshops with the directors Paulo Castro (2014), Daniel Zerky (1991), Giorgio Barbieri Corsetti (1988) and Arnold Lininhe (1987), a technical direction seminar with Jean-Guy LeCat (1999) and assisted the stage director Rogério de Carvalho in the show “Esse tal alguém” (2001) at Almada Theatre Company (CTA).
She is the author of the online project “Sal e Filhos – Gerações do Surf em Portugal”. It photographs generations of portuguese surfers and collects stories to create a surf history in Portugal. She has made a small exhibition of this work at the 2016 edition of Caparica Primavera Surf Fest. She is also part of the team of the AHMS -Surf Museum, a non-profit association whose main mission is the dissemination, documentation and preservation of the history of surfing in Portugal and in the World, with the intention of founding the first Surf Museum in Portugal.
She has 2 section(s) of books and has received 1 awards and/or honors. Works in the area(s) of Social Sciences with emphasis on Anthropology. The most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: "surf"; "mar"; "trabalho"; "desporto"; "património"; "sea"; "work"; "sport"; "heritage"; "teatro"; "gender"; "nation"; "theatre"; "moçambique"; "género"; "nação"; "mozambique"; .
Education/Academic qualification
Anthropology, Master, Moçambique em Cena: Nação, Género e Modernidade no Teatro (Maputo 1992-2010), Instituto de Ciências Sociais - ICS
… → 2011
Anthropology, Bachelor, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)
… → 2008
Theatre - Acting Studies, Bachelor, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema - IPL
… → 1987
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Sal e Filhos - Gerações do Surf em Portugal
Azevedo, V. (Creator), wix, 14 Mar 2019
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Surfers and Fishermen: Heritage, Work and Sport in Ericeira
Vera Azevedo (Speaker)
18 Sept 2018 → 21 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
File -
Surfers and Fishermen: Heritage, Work and Sport in Ericeira
Vera Azevedo (Speaker)
14 Aug 2018 → 17 Aug 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Costa da Caparica - Vera fotografa as gerações que se cruzam nas ondas da Caparica
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research