Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia/UNL
    Campus de Caparica
    2829-516 Caparica


Accepting PhD Students

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Energy systems modelling; Long term energy scenarios; Climate change policies and technologies for emissions mitigation; Environmental and economic effects of energy policies; Integrated analysis of policies and policy instruments regarding the minimisation of emissions to air; Technology learning and innovation;Water-energy-food nexus; future role of energy technologies in low carbon energy scenarios at both EU and national scale with special emphasis on buildings, electricity generation and road transport; Regional and temporal disaggregation effects in energy system models results; Fuel poverty; Understanding behaviour of consumers and how it affects energy technologies deployment;

Education/Academic qualification

Environmental Sciences, Doctorate, Untangling the web: Integrating energy and environmental policy instruments by assessing their interactions along power systems, Leiden University

Award Date: 4 Sept 2013

MSc Enviroment Management and Policy, Lunds Universitet

Award Date: 1 Oct 2001

External positions

Research Fellow, European Commission Joint Research Centre

15 Nov 201130 Jun 2014


  • GE Environmental Sciences
  • climate policy
  • energy systems
  • low-carbon energy transition


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