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From the Other Margin: Portuguese Book Market and the Publishing Post-colonial Take Between Portugal and Brazil in the Mid-twentieth Century
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
6 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Domínio e contra-domínio editorial: basculações entre Portugal e Brasil em meados do século XX [Domain and Counter-domain in Book Publishing: Changes between Portugal and Brazil in the Mid-twentieth Century]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker) & Emanuel Chaves Pimenta Cabral Cameira (Speaker)
21 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Assessment and Impact of the Risk of Exposure of Portuguese Biomedical Scientists in the Context of COVID-19: An Exploratory Study
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker), Ana Sofia Tavares (Speaker), Fernando Bellém (Speaker), Renato Abreu (Speaker), Céu Leitão (Speaker) & Luís Calmeiro (Speaker)
11 Jan 2021 → 25 Jan 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Padrões de encarnação mediática e circularidade textual entre livro e filme na edição: o caso da casa Romano Torres [Patterns of Media Incarnation and Text Circularity between Book and Film in the Publishing Industry: The Case of the House Romano Torres]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
29 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Ordem repressiva do livro no Estado Novo ou a censura como mosaico: proposta tipológica na análise da Comissão de Literatura e Espectáculos para Menores [The Order of Book Repression in the Estado Novo or Censorship as a Mosaic: Typological Proposal in the Analysis of the Literature and Shows Commission for Minors]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
13 Apr 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Authorship under the Guise of Translation: Crime fiction, José Rosado and Romano Torres Publishing House
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
13 Mar 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Transferências Mediáticas de Ciclo Completo ou o Livro de Torna-viagem: os cine-romances da editora Romano Torres [Full Cycle Media Transfers or the Torna-Viagem/Travel-Turn Book: The Cine-Romances/Novels Based on Film of Romano Torres Publishing House]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
9 Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Um Ecossistema Desfavorável à Perpetuação Documental. Aniquilação, fragmentação, diluição e opacidade na constituição e patrimonialização dos acervos: o caso dos editores e livreiros [An Ecosystem Unfavorable to Document Perpetuation. Annihilation, Fragmentation, Dilution and Opacity in the Constitution and Preservation of Collections: The Case of Publishers and Booksellers]
Nuno Medeiros (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Atributos e paradoxos na alimentação contemporânea [Attributes and Paradoxes in Contemporary Food]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
24 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A Consagração Intelectual como Acto Editorial: lançar autores brasileiros em Portugal [Intelectual Consecration as Publishing Action: Launching Brazilian Authors in Portugal]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
20 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Print Culture in the Making: Publishing for Wide Audiences in the 20th Century
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
5 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Editar Livros para o Grande Consumo no Portugal Contemporâneo: a editora Romano Torres [Publishing Books for Large Consumption in Contemporary Portugal: Romano Torres Publishing House]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
7 Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Dinâmicas de inserção profissional no mercado de trabalho da saúde: um estudo de caso sobre as mudanças e especificidades das tecnologias da saúde no contexto nacional [Dynamics of Professional Trajectories in Health Care Market: A Case-Study on the Changes and Specificities of Health Technologies in the National Context]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker), David Tavares (Speaker) & Hélder Raposo (Speaker)
12 Jul 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
José Rosado and Romano Torres Publishing House: Some Views on a Collaboration Made of Invented Translations
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
20 Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Sobre a Inserção Profissional dos Diplomados da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa: revisitação de tendências [On Labour Market Integration of the Graduates of Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa: Revisiting Trends]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker), David Tavares (Speaker) & Hélder Raposo (Speaker)
7 Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Multiculturalidade, Interculturalidade e Direitos Humanos: pensar o caso da mutilação genital feminina [Multiculturalism, Interculturalism and Human Rights. Reflections on Female Genital Mutilation]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker) & Teresa Denis (Speaker)
31 Mar 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
As Gentes do Livro e a Defesa do Seu Património. O caso dos arquivos e um exemplo a seguir [People of the Book and the Conservation of their Heritage. The Case of Archives and an Example to Follow]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
30 Mar 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Governo e Contra-Governo nas Ideias: a edição de livros como formulação do mundo [Government and Counter-Government in Ideas: Book Publishing as World Formulation]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
25 Sept 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Brazil in Portugal: Two Worlds in the Publishing Activity of António de Sousa Pinto
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
21 Jul 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
João Romano Torres e C.ia: hermenêutica social de uma editora [João Romano Torres e C.ia: Social Hermeneutics of a Publishing House]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
22 Aug 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A Inserção Profissional dos Diplomados da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa: regularidades e singularidades [Professional Trajectories of the Graduates of Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa: Regularities and Singularities]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker), David Tavares (Speaker) & Hélder Raposo (Speaker)
21 Jun 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Pluralidade, Mudança e Produção de Valor na Edição de Livros: notas sobre a edificação social da cultura impressa [Plurality, Change and Creation of Value in Book Publishing: Notes on the Social Construction of Print Culture]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
21 Jun 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Para Que(m) Serve uma Associação? Associações profissionais, campo cultural e Estado Novo: o caso do Grémio Nacional dos Editores e Livreiros [What/Whose Purpose Serves an Association? Professional Associations, Cultural Field, and Estado Novo: the Case of the National Guild of Publishers and Booksellers]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
18 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Edição de Livros em Portugal e no Brasil: influência e contra-influência na inversão do poder tipográfico [Book Publishing in Portugal and Brazil: Influence and Counter-influence in the Inversion of Typographical Power]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
19 Jul 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Reflexões, Resultados e Perspectivas em Torno de uma Parceria para o Estudo da Saúde e dos Estilos de Vida [Reflections, Results, and Perspectives on a Partnership for the Study of Health and Lifestyles]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker), David Tavares (Speaker), Carina Silva-Fortes (Speaker), Rute Borrego (Speaker), André Coelho (Speaker), Conceição Antunes (Speaker), Bárbara Flores (Speaker) & Beatriz Reis (Speaker)
19 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Publishing Studies and Theoretical Modelling: The Case for a Portuguese Case
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
3 Sept 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The Hidden and Illuminated Object: Publishing as Enunciation and Prescription of the Book
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
3 Sept 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Livreiros e Editores: livro mediado e comunidades de leitura [Booksellers and Publishers: Mediated Book and Reading Communities]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
16 Jul 2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation