Activities per year
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I Colóquio Internacional A Circulação Impressa em Português (1st International Conference Printed Circulation in Portuguese) (Event)
J. P. R. Ferreira (Member), Débora Dias (Member), Nuno Medeiros (Member) & Josiane Alcântara (Member)
11 Mar 2022Activity: Membership › Membership of committee
Congresso Internacional "Confluências Artísticas na Cultura Ibero-americana (1600-1850). O mundo de Robert C. Smith (1912-1975)" [International Congress "Artistic Confluences in Ibero-American Culture (1600-1850). The world of Robert C. Smith (1912-1975)"]
Nuno Medeiros (Member of programme committee)
19 Feb 2022 → 15 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
A promoção editorial de colecções e temas em registo inter-Atlântico. O caso de António de Sousa Pinto [An Inter-Atlantic Stance in the Publishing Promotion of Collections and Themes. The case of António de Sousa Pinto]
Nuno Medeiros (Invited speaker)
11 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
3.º Congresso Internacional da Rede de Investigação Bibliotecas, Políticas, Leitura
Nuno Medeiros (Organiser)
Jan 2021 → Sept 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Fixar o preço, salvar o livro. Convergências, tensões e percursos no caso português [Maintaining the Price, Saving the Book. Convergences, Tensions and Paths in the Portuguese Case]
Nuno Medeiros (Keynote speaker)
15 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
From the Other Margin: Portuguese Book Market and the Publishing Post-colonial Take Between Portugal and Brazil in the Mid-twentieth Century
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
6 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
3.º Congresso Internacional da Rede de Investigação Bibliotecas, Políticas, Leitura
Nuno Medeiros (Member of programme committee)
Jan 2021 → Sept 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
O acto editorial como prescrição cultural [The Publishing Act as a Cultural Prescription]
Nuno Medeiros (Invited speaker) & Emanuel Chaves Pimenta Cabral Cameira (Invited speaker)
23 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Uma Editora: o mundo do livro jurídico na Almedina [A Publishing House: The World of Law Books at Almedina]
Nuno Medeiros (Main Examiner)
10 Nov 2021Activity: Examination
Scientific Coordinator/Director of Imprensa de História Contemporânea (university press)
Nuno Medeiros (Chair)
18 Oct 2021 → …Activity: Other
Domínio e contra-domínio editorial: basculações entre Portugal e Brasil em meados do século XX [Domain and Counter-domain in Book Publishing: Changes between Portugal and Brazil in the Mid-twentieth Century]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker) & Emanuel Chaves Pimenta Cabral Cameira (Speaker)
21 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
III Congresso Internacional RESMI 2021
Nuno Medeiros (Member of programme committee)
Jun 2021 → Oct 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
A Realidade do Livro, a Sociedade Tipográfica e o Acto Editorial [The Reality of the Book, the Typographic Society and the Editorial Act]
Nuno Medeiros (Keynote speaker)
6 Jan 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Assessment and Impact of the Risk of Exposure of Portuguese Biomedical Scientists in the Context of COVID-19: An Exploratory Study
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker), Ana Sofia Tavares (Speaker), Fernando Bellém (Speaker), Renato Abreu (Speaker), Céu Leitão (Speaker) & Luís Calmeiro (Speaker)
11 Jan 2021 → 25 Jan 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Expert reviewer in the 2021 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships evaluation process, by invitation of the European Commission (Research Executive Agency)
Nuno Medeiros (Reviewer)
Nov 2021 → Dec 2021Activity: Other
Padrões de encarnação mediática e circularidade textual entre livro e filme na edição: o caso da casa Romano Torres [Patterns of Media Incarnation and Text Circularity between Book and Film in the Publishing Industry: The Case of the House Romano Torres]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
29 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Ordem repressiva do livro no Estado Novo ou a censura como mosaico: proposta tipológica na análise da Comissão de Literatura e Espectáculos para Menores [The Order of Book Repression in the Estado Novo or Censorship as a Mosaic: Typological Proposal in the Analysis of the Literature and Shows Commission for Minors]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
13 Apr 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Sociologia histórica do livro, da edição e da leitura: pistas para uma proposta panorâmica [Historical Sociology of the Book, Publishing and Reading: Keys for a Bird's Eye Proposal]
Nuno Medeiros (Keynote speaker)
7 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Authorship under the Guise of Translation: Crime fiction, José Rosado and Romano Torres Publishing House
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
13 Mar 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Do Outro Lado do Atlântico, a Escrita: editar na Livros do Brasil [From Across the Atlantic, the Writing: Publishing at Livros do Brasil]
Nuno Medeiros (Main Examiner)
4 Sept 2020Activity: Examination
Expert reviewer in the 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships evaluation process, by invitation of the European Commission (Research Executive Agency)
Nuno Medeiros (Reviewer)
Oct 2020 → Nov 2020Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
A Valsa Lenta da Pandemia no Salão da Academia. O Mundo em Suspenso, o Deslaçamento como Risco e a Persistência como Mantra [The Slow Waltz of the Pandemic in the Academy Hall. The World in Suspension, Social Untying as Risk and Persistence as a Mantra]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
27 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Relatório de Estágio na Bertrand Editora [Internship Report at Bertrand Editora]
Nuno Medeiros (Main Examiner)
29 Jul 2020Activity: Examination
Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Línguas e Culturas (Publisher)
Nuno Medeiros (Peer reviewer)
2020Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Análise Social (Journal)
Nuno Medeiros (Peer reviewer)
2020 → 2021Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Coordinator of the Scientific and Educational Cooperation Agreement between Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Event)
Nuno Medeiros (Chair) & Gisele Sanglard (Chair)
Feb 2020 → Dec 2024Activity: Membership › Membership of network/project
1.º Encontro Internacional – Saberes e Memória
Nuno Medeiros (Organiser)
Jun 2020 → Nov 2020Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Member of the Editorial Committee of the scientific journal Tempo - Revista do Departamento de História da UFF
Nuno Medeiros (Recipient)
2020 → …Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
Revista Brasileira de Educação (Journal)
Nuno Medeiros (Peer reviewer)
2020 → 2021Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Tempo-Niteroi (Journal)
Nuno Medeiros (Peer reviewer)
2020 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Expert reviewer in the 2020 grants of the call Latvian Culture – a Resource for National Development, LCS, evaluation process, by invitation of the Latvian national agency for science, LZP/LCS
Nuno Medeiros (Reviewer)
Sept 2020Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
Problemas, Escalas e Crítica na História da Edição [Problems, Scales and Critical Thinking in the History of Publishing]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
17 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Expert reviewer in the 2020 grants of the call Individual Scientist Project Proposals for Fundamental and Applied Research evaluation process, by invitation of the Latvian national agency for science, LZP/LCS
Nuno Medeiros (Reviewer)
Oct 2020Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
1.º Encontro Internacional – Saberes e Memória
Nuno Medeiros (Member of programme committee)
Jun 2020 → Nov 2020Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Transferências Mediáticas de Ciclo Completo ou o Livro de Torna-viagem: os cine-romances da editora Romano Torres [Full Cycle Media Transfers or the Torna-Viagem/Travel-Turn Book: The Cine-Romances/Novels Based on Film of Romano Torres Publishing House]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
9 Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Expert reviewer in the 2019 EEA Grants – Collaborative Research Projects evaluation process, by invitation of the Romanian national agency for science, UEFISCDI
Nuno Medeiros (Reviewer)
Feb 2020 → May 2020Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
Cadernos Pagu (Journal)
Nuno Medeiros (Peer reviewer)
2019 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Common Ground Research Networks (Publisher)
Nuno Medeiros (Peer reviewer)
2019 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Um Ecossistema Desfavorável à Perpetuação Documental. Aniquilação, fragmentação, diluição e opacidade na constituição e patrimonialização dos acervos: o caso dos editores e livreiros [An Ecosystem Unfavorable to Document Perpetuation. Annihilation, Fragmentation, Dilution and Opacity in the Constitution and Preservation of Collections: The Case of Publishers and Booksellers]
Nuno Medeiros (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
2.º Congresso Internacional Bibliotecas Públicas, políticas culturais e leitura pública
Nuno Medeiros (Organiser)
Jan 2019 → Sept 2019Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Atributos e paradoxos na alimentação contemporânea [Attributes and Paradoxes in Contemporary Food]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
24 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Les Cahiers de Framespa (Journal)
Nuno Medeiros (Peer reviewer)
2019 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Joint Meeting EASST/4S
Nuno Medeiros (Organiser)
15 Dec 2019 → 21 Aug 2020Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
2.º Congresso Internacional Bibliotecas Públicas, políticas culturais e leitura pública
Nuno Medeiros (Member of programme committee)
Jan 2019 → Sept 2019Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Edição, Estado e regime: fenomenologias na ditadura portuguesa [Publishing, State and Regime: Phenomenologies in the Portuguese Dictatorship]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
29 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A Consagração Intelectual como Acto Editorial: lançar autores brasileiros em Portugal [Intelectual Consecration as Publishing Action: Launching Brazilian Authors in Portugal]
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
20 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Print Culture in the Making: Publishing for Wide Audiences in the 20th Century
Nuno Medeiros (Speaker)
5 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation