12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Nataliya Godinho Soares Vieira with the persons below:
Eunice Lopes
Person: Academic
Nuno António
- NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) - Invited Asssistant Professor
- Information Management Research Center (MagIC) - NOVA Information Management School - Integrated Researcher
Sérgio Guerreiro
- NOVA School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE) - Invited Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Marco Neves
- Departamento de Línguas, Culturas e Literaturas Modernas (DLCLM) - Assistant Professor
- Centro de Estudos Ingleses de Tradução e Anglo-portugueses (CETAPS) - Researcher
Person: Academic