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Degree in Business Administration and Management (Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics).Master in Information Management (NOVA Information Management School), with the defense of the Thesis: ZeEN Model - a minimalist approach to the design of data warehouses (http://run.unl.pt/handle/10362/10513).Ph.D. Candidate in Information Management Microsoft Certified Professional (MCT-MCAD-MCSD-MCDBA-MCSA-MCSE) Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor Professional photographer certified by APPImagem.He worked as Financial Analyst, Consultant, Controller, Systems Analyst, Business Intelligence Manager and Marketing Intelligence Manager in the private sector, and participated in a start-up, before joining NOVA's Rectory to support the Strategic Plan Co-founder of NOVA IMShare.

Education/Academic qualification

Master, Modelo ZeEN: uma abordagem minimalista para o desenho de data warehouses, NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS)

1 Sept 20063 Jul 2013

Award Date: 3 Jul 2013