Activities per year
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Bolsa de Investigação (UIDB/00693/2020)
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Member of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (President of Jury) & Maria Eduarda Salgado Carvalho (Member of Jury)
14 Aug 2024 → 2 Sept 2024Activity: Examination
A partilha de emoções por alunos do 2o ciclo do ensino básico através de ambientes de improvisação musical
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Member of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (President of Jury) & João Pedro Lopes Reigado (Main Examiner)
5 Feb 2024Activity: Examination
O Papel da Composição Aliada ao Gibberish no Desenvolvimento da Criatividade dos Alunos do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (President of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury) & João Pedro Lopes Reigado (Main Examiner)
23 Feb 2024Activity: Examination
“Harmonias Humanas”: A criação de Paisagens Sonoras através de Coro e Movimento para a disciplina de Educação Musical em 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Member of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (President of Jury) & Aoife Hiney (Main Examiner)
18 Dec 2024Activity: Examination
Bolsa de Investigação (BI)
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Supervisor), Helena Rodrigues (Co-advisor) & Sofia dos Santos Gomes Bôrras (Recipient)
1 May 2024 → 28 Feb 2025Activity: Other › Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
Diálogo a propósito da voz e do canto polifónico
Helena Rodrigues (Organiser) & Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Organiser)
28 May 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
O desenvolvimento musical e pessoal através da improvisação utilizando a linguagem gibberish com alunos do 2o ciclo
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (President of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury) & Maria José Artiaga (Main Examiner)
19 Jul 2024Activity: Examination
Imaginação e criatividade em Educação Musical: Interpretação de narrativas gibberish e notação não convencional por alunos do 2.º ciclo
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (President of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury) & Maria José Artiaga (Main Examiner)
19 Jul 2024Activity: Examination
submissão PROJECT I&D-2024 SINGING TO MY BABY "Wellbeing and quality of life in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum: contributions of music and maternal singing".
Maria Eduarda Salgado Carvalho (Recipient), Filipa Lã (Recipient), João Manuel Rosado Miranda Justo (Recipient), Carina Freitas (Recipient), Alexandra Queirós (Recipient), Carla Quintão (Recipient), Fátima Serrano (Recipient), Helena Rodrigues (Recipient), Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Recipient), Maria Teresa Félix (Recipient) & Erika Parlato-Oliveira (Member)
21 Apr 2024Activity: Other
As Paisagens Sonoras e o canto como recursos para a inclusão em ambiente de diversidade cultural em turmas do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Member of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (President of Jury) & Aoife Hiney (Main Examiner)
18 Dec 2024Activity: Examination
Zooming One Thousand Birds — Moving towards a Cartography
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Invited speaker) & Helena Rodrigues (Invited speaker)
16 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Bolsa de Investigação (BI)
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Supervisor), Helena Rodrigues (Co-advisor) & Adriana Margarida de Jesus Lopes (Recipient)
1 Oct 2024 → 28 Feb 2025Activity: Other › Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
Correspondências intermodais na apreciação musical: uma revisão sistemática
Cristiane Nogueira de Souza (Speaker), Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Speaker) & Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Instruções metafóricas no ensino de instrumento musical: Processos de significação de professores e alunos
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Co-advisor), Helena Rodrigues (Advisor) & Bráulio Vidile (Recipient)
2023 → 2025Activity: Other › Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
Escola de Verão NOVA-FCSH - Instrumentarium para Práticas Artísticas Comunitárias
Jorge Graça (Organiser) & Helena Rodrigues (Organiser)
28 Aug 2023 → 1 Sept 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Community Music in Portugal: working up to a holistic view
Jorge Graça (Speaker) & Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
17 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
DMSE#20: A children’s guided journey through CMT’s artistic educative constellations
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker) & Paulo Maria Rodrigues (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Nascer e Crescer com a Companhia de Música Teatral
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker) & Maria Jorge Leal (Speaker)
3 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Ensino Especializado de Música: que itinerários de formação
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Nascer e Crescer com a Companhia de Música Teatral
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker), Inês Rodrigues da Silva (Speaker) & Maria Jorge Leal (Speaker)
9 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Arte participativa para todas as infâncias — as instalações artísticas da Companhia de Música Teatral
Jorge Graça (Speaker) & Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
4 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Stories of human development mediated by music and artistic practices
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker), Jorge Graça (Speaker) & Paulo Rodrigues (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Ecos de Tuttinópolis: notas sobre projectos musicais com pessoas em reclusão
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker) & Paulo Rodrigues (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Community music: stories of cooperation and relatedness in human kinship
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker) & Jorge Graça (Speaker)
8 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Projects in Music and childhood (babies, children|women's prison establishment)
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker) & Jorge Graça (Speaker)
15 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Apresentação do documentário Murmuratorium – rumos e rumores
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Workshop “Afinar a Escuta, Afinar o Olhar”
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Tuning people, birds and flowers #2021
Paulo Maria Rodrigues (Speaker), Helena Rodrigues (Speaker) & Jorge Graça (Speaker)
13 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Intensidade emocional face a estímulos tonais favoritos e não favoritos: Estudo de autorrelato contínuo com adultos
Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury)
2021Activity: Examination
Incubadora de I's
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Organiser), Helena Rodrigues (Organiser) & Maya GRATIER (Invited speaker)
7 May 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
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Intensidade emocional face a estímulos tonais favoritos e não favoritos: Estudo de autorrelato contínuo com adultos
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Member of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury), Paulo Ferreira de Castro (President of Jury), Graça Boal-Palheiros (Member of Jury) & Daniela Coimbra (Main Examiner)
21 Jun 2021Activity: Examination
Z Lab Mil Pássaros
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Invited speaker), Helena Rodrigues (Organiser), Mariana Barreiros Vences (Speaker) & Rita Roberto (Speaker)
8 Dec 2021 → 29 Dec 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
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The effects of Alexander Techique lessons in undergraduate singing students: A multiple case study
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (President of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury) & Filipa Lã (Main Examiner)
20 Dec 2021Activity: Examination
A aptidão musical na seleção de alunos para o ensino especializado de música: uma revisitação dialética partindo do paradigma da especificidade
Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury)
2021Activity: Examination
A relação entre a consciência fonológica e a capacidade de imitação em eco de padrões rítmicos em crianças portuguesas em idade pré-escolar
Helena Rodrigues (Main Examiner)
2021Activity: Examination
XI Encontro Internacional Arte para a Infância e Desenvolvimento Social e Humano
Helena Rodrigues (Organiser), Paulo Jorge Ferreira Rodrigues (Organiser) & Paulo Rodrigues (Organiser)
2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Histórias de Desenvolvimento Humano Mediadas por Música e Práticas Artísticas
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker), Jorge Graça (Speaker), Mariana Miguel (Speaker) & Paulo Maria Rodrigues (Speaker)
9 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Expressar e interpretar: a Música como lugar de conexão consigo mesmo e com o Outro
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The relationship between phonological awareness and echo imitation ability of rhythmic patterns in Portuguese preschool children
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Member of Jury), Helena Rodrigues (President of Jury) & Maria Manuel Vidal (Main Examiner)
13 Dec 2021Activity: Examination
O Bebê e a Música
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker), Angelita Broock (Invited speaker) & Betania Parizzi (Speaker)
21 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Palestra de Lançamento do livro O Bebê e a Música
Betania Parizzi (Speaker) & Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The effects of Alexander Technique lessons in undergraduate singing students: A multiple case study
Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury)
2021Activity: Examination
Música na primeira infância: musicalidade expressiva e comunicativa
Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury)
2021Activity: Examination
A Comunidade estética constituída pelo canto: O estudo da sensibilidade a partir de oficinas de canto coletiva
Helena Rodrigues (Member of Jury)
2021Activity: Examination
i.Lab Mil Pássaros
Helena Rodrigues (Organiser)
2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Da vinculação à arte de urdir tecidos humanos e paisagens de ouvir
Jorge Graça (Speaker) & Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
13 Dec 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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O Grito da Palavra
Ernesto Rodrigues (Speaker), Paulo Lameiro (Speaker) & Helena Rodrigues (Presenter)
2021Activity: Other
Apresentação do documentário Andakibebé e arte para a infância contexto de trabalho da CMT
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk