6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Gabriela Tavares with the persons below:
Maria José Peixoto Azevedo Silva Brito
- Centro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL) - Researcher, Former employee
Susana Correia
- Departamento de Linguística (DL) - Assistant Professor
- Centro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL) - Researcher
Person: Academic
Pedro Calé da Cunha Lamas
- DCT - Departamento de Ciências da Terra - Assistant Professor
- GeoBioTec - Geobiociências, Geoengenharias e Geotecnologias - Researcher
Person: Academic
Susana Paula Gomes Costa Pereira
- Centro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL) - Researcher, Former employee
Aleksandra Myreine Wilhelmina Vercauteren
- Centro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL) - Former employee
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)