Activities per year
- 27 results
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The scientific and political impact of Portugal's first modern geographical mission to Africa, 1875–1882
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
12 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Matters of Life and Death: uses of historical knowledge of medicine in the theatre play All Too Human (Demasiado Humano)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
10 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A Scientific and Diplomatic Scramble for Africa: Barbosa du Bocage, Colonial Science, and the Berlin Conference of 1884-85
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
23 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The political and scientific impact of the first Portuguese modern geographical mission to Africa, 1875-1880
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
15 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A zoologist in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the race for the Congo and the role of scientific networks, 1883-1885
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
16 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Representing a new Portuguese Empire in Africa: the Cartography Commission and the Portuguese Scramble for Africa, 1883-1891
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
14 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Scrambling for the unknown: the invention of Portuguese colonial Africa
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
1 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The political use of science in the diplomacy of the Scramble for Africa, 1875-1891
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
22 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Decolonising the European city: deconstructing Lisbon’s imperial urban geography
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
10 Feb 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Using science to reinforce an imperial identity: the Cartography Commission and Portuguese colonial politics in the Scramble for Africa
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
21 May 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Competing with giants: the alliance between science and diplomacy for the defense of Portuguese colonial claims in the Congo
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
30 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Expanding colonial borders: science, diplomacy, and military strategy in the formation of Angola (1883-1886)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
23 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Knowledge of the deep sea in the nineteenth century as a result of circulation: the 'Hyalonema' controversy
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
14 Apr 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
In praise of a historical storytelling approach in science education
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
29 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A Scientific and Diplomatic Scramble for Africa: Barbosa du Bocage, colonial science, and the Berlin Conference of 1884–85
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
20 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Darwinian Echoes in Fernando Pessoa: from the Population Principle to the Malthusian Law of Sensibility in Álvaro de Campos's 'Ultimatum' (1917)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
11 Jul 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Imaginative Biology: an online resource providing a new approach to Science Education
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
21 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Imaginative Biology: an online resource providing a new approach to Science Education
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
24 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The Improvement of Society: Between Thomas Malthus's Principle of Population and Fernando Pessoa's Malthusian Laws of Sensibility
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
9 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A Modernist Break with Tradition: Fernando Pessoa's Malthusian Laws of Sensibility and the Improvement of Society
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
8 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Three Hundred Fathoms Under the Sea: Barbosa du Bocage and the Search for Marine Life at High Depths (1864-1874)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
21 Feb 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Technoscientific Methods for the Resolution of Economical Crises: Andrade Corvo and the Modernization of Portuguese Agriculture (1853-1860)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
27 Sept 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The Role of the Zoology Section of the National Museum of Lisbon in the Constitution of a Community of Naturalists in Portugal (1858-1907)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
25 Feb 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Three Hundred Fathoms Under the Sea: Barbosa du Bocage and the Search for Marine Life at High Depths (1864-1874)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
1 Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Knowing Africa by Looking Through a European Lens: Research on African Zoology at the Natural History Museum of Lisbon (1866-1895)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
15 Jun 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The Reception of Transformist and Evolutionist Theories in the Portuguese Scientific Community: the case of the Lisbon Polytechnic School
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
27 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
From Theory to Practice: the Republican Turn in the Teaching of Zoology at the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon (1880-1920)
Daniel Brito Candeias Gamito Marques (Speaker)
18 Apr 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation