12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Bhavna Alke with the persons below:
Paloma Ortiz Albo
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Suchintan Mondal
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Former employee
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Syed Usman Taqui
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Isabel Maria Rola Coelhoso
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Associate Professor (with Habilitation)
- LAQV@REQUIMTE - Researcher
Person: Academic
Vitor Manuel Delgado Alves
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Invited Assistant Professor, Former employee
Person: Academic
Ana Rita Mileu Mota Nabais
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Researcher
- LAQV@REQUIMTE - Researcher
Person: Academic
Carla Maria Carvalho Gil Brazinha de Barros Ferreira
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Researcher
- LAQV@REQUIMTE - Researcher
Person: Academic
Sílvia de Almeida Baptista
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Former employee
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Rosa Maria Huertas Penela
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Researcher
- LAQV@REQUIMTE - Researcher
Person: Academic