12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Ana Margarida Coelho Marques with the persons below:
Paula Scotti Campos
Person: Academic
Ana Rita Fonseca Coelho
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Diana Freire Daccak
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Mauro António Moreira Guerra
- DF – Departamento de Física - Associate Professor
- LIBPhys-UNL - Researcher
Person: Academic
Paulo Alexandre Rodrigues Roque Legoinha
- DCT - Departamento de Ciências da Terra - Associate Professor (with Habilitation)
- GeoBioTec - Geobiociências, Geoengenharias e Geotecnologias - Researcher
Person: Academic
Isabel Pais
Person: Academic
Cláudia Campos Pessoa
Person: Master (Student)
Maria Fernanda Pessoa
- DCT - Departamento de Ciências da Terra - Associate Professor (with Habilitation)
- GeoBioTec - Geobiociências, Geoengenharias e Geotecnologias - Researcher
Person: Academic
Maria Manuela Malhado Simões Ribeiro
- DCT - Departamento de Ciências da Terra - Associate Professor (with Habilitation)
- GeoBioTec - Geobiociências, Geoengenharias e Geotecnologias - Researcher
Person: Academic
Inês do Carmo Luís Rodrigues
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Maria Manuela Abreu de Silva
- DCT - Departamento de Ciências da Terra - Associate Professor
- GeoBioTec - Geobiociências, Geoengenharias e Geotecnologias - Researcher
Person: Academic