9 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Ana Cláudia Ribeiro Negrão with the persons below:
Diogo Lopes Poeira
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Maria Manuel Martinho Sequeira Barata Marques
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Associate Professor (with Habilitation)
- LAQV@REQUIMTE - Researcher
Person: Academic
João Cristóvão Santos Silva Macara
Person: Doctor of Philosophy (Student)
Catarina Isabel Pedro Seixas Caldeira
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Former employee
Person: Master (Student)
Ana Maria Madeira Martins Faísca Phillips
- DQ - Departamento de Química - Invited
- LAQV@REQUIMTE - Researcher
Person: Academic