Personal profile

Personal information

Ana Cardoso de Matos is Professor at the Évora University-Department of History and member of Research Centre CIDEHUS/UE. She is the responsible at the Évora University of the EMM TPTI-Techniques, patrimoines, territoires de l’industrie. She is member of: advisory council of the Portuguese National Railway Museum Foundation. She is member of: International Railways History Association (IRHA); Comité d’Histoire de l’electricite et de l’energie, Fondation EDF; Associação Ibérica de História Ferroviária, and member of editorial board of the journals -HoST- Journal of History of Science and Technology and TST-Transportes, servicios y telecomunicaciones. Membre of the scientific board of Journal of Energy History / Revue d’histoire de l’énergie (JEHRHE). She was Visiting Professor at EHESS-Paris (2010 and 2012). Some of her most important research interests are the history of technology and engineering, the History of gas and electricity, the ‘mobilité” of experts and Industrial and technological heritage.

External positions

Associated Professor with Aggregation, Universidade de Évora