Activities per year
- 18 results
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Arguência da dissertação de mestrado "Vestir para trabalhar na Manutenção Militar, em Lisboa. Uma proposta de exposição temporária sobre as fardas dos trabalhadores civis"
Dóris Joana Simões dos Santos (Main Examiner), Deolinda Folgado (Examiner) & Alexandra Curvelo (President of Jury)
8 Feb 2023Activity: Examination
RIHA Journal (Journal)
Begoña Farré Torras (Editor), Joana Cunha Leal (Editorial board member) & Alexandra Curvelo (Editorial board member)
8 Dec 2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Ciclo de conferências "Histórias de um Império"
Ulrike Körber (Invited speaker) & Alexandra Curvelo (Invited speaker)
14 May 2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
RIHA Journal (Journal)
Begoña Farré Torras (Editor), Joana Cunha Leal (Editorial board member) & Alexandra Curvelo (Editorial board member)
12 Mar 2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
“Adjusting to rule: shaping mechanical time in early Tokugawa Japan after the arrival of the ‘Southern-Barbarians’”
Alexandra Curvelo (Speaker)
7 Dec 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (PIMo), (External organisation)
Alexandra Curvelo (Member)
2021Activity: Membership › Membership of network/project
Portugal-Philippines: Connected Histories (Event)
Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto (Chair), Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço (Member), Alexandra Curvelo (Member), Rui Loureiro (Member), Elsa Filomena Macedo de Lima da Cruz Penalva (Member), Jeremy Roe (Member), Maria João Pacheco Ferreira (Member) & Isabel Araújo Branco (Member)
2019 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of network/project
Os têxteis indianos e o império português: arte e contextos. Conferência de homenagem a Lotika Varadarajan
Alexandra Curvelo (Invited speaker)
10 Oct 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
“Music, Theatre, and Painting in the Japanese Christian Mission (16th-17th centuries)”
Alexandra Curvelo Campos (Invited speaker)
27 Apr 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
A Striking Story: Portugal - Japan, XVI-XX centuries,
Ana Cantante Mota Fernandes Pinto (Recipient) & Alexandra Curvelo (Recipient)
Nov 2018 → Mar 2019Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Work on advisory panels for social community and cultural engagement
Encontros com o Património
Ana Cantante Mota Fernandes Pinto (Recipient), Alexandra Curvelo (Recipient) & João Herdade (Recipient)
Dec 2018Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Work on advisory panels for social community and cultural engagement
Academia da Marinha
Alexandra Curvelo (Speaker)
20 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“Dialogues and Misunderstandings in the Japanese Catholic Mission during the early Modern age”
Alexandra Curvelo Campos (Invited speaker)
23 Aug 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
“Exchanging artistic practices and textual narratives: the Jesuit Painting Seminar in Japan (late 16th – early 17th centuries)”
Alexandra Curvelo Campos (Invited speaker)
7 Nov 2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Direcção-Geral do Património Cultural (Publisher)
Alexandra Curvelo Campos (Editor)
2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
CHAM - Centro de Humanidades (Organisational unit)
Alexandra Curvelo (Chair), Angelo Cattaneo (Member), Ana Cantante Mota Fernandes Pinto (Member), Nogueira Ramos Martin (Chair), José Miguel Pinto dos Santos (Member), Frédéric Girard (Member), Rie Arimura (Member), Daniele Frison (Member), Silvio Vita (Member), Lucia Dolce (Member), Carla Tronu (Member), Linda Zampol D'Ortia (Member) & Helena Barros Rodrigues (Member)
Mar 2012 → Sept 2015Activity: Membership › Membership of network/project
European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) (External organisation)
Alexandra Curvelo (Chair)
2011 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of network/project
European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) (External organisation)
Alexandra Curvelo (Member)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership of network/project