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Prize PORDATA Innovation 2016 with the indicator “Carbon Intensity of the Economy”.
Gouveia, João Pedro (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Programa Hispanex 2016
Figueirôa-Rêgo, João Manuel Vaz Monteiro (Recipient), 26 Apr 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Public Recognition Ceremony
Almeida, Inês Thomas (Recipient), Jun 2016
Prize: National/international honour
Rewired T Cells: New therapeutic opportunities for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Soares, Helena (Recipient), 1 Apr 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Rewired T Cells: New therapeutic opportunities for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Soares, Helena (Recipient), 1 Apr 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Rewired T Cells: New therapeutic opportunities for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Soares, Helena (Recipient), 1 Apr 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Rewired T Cells: New therapeutic opportunities for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Soares, Helena (Recipient), 1 Apr 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Santander award for the scientific production
Macagno, Fabrizio (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Santander Prize for the Internationalization of Scientific Productivity
Silva, Carlos Pereira da (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Segundo lugar no prémio “Melhor Dissertação em Estruturas - edição 2016”
Peres, Nuno (Recipient) & Gonçalves, Rodrigo de Moura (Recipient), 15 Jun 2016
Prize: Other distinction
Senior member of RILEM - International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures
Faria, P. (Recipient), Jan 2016
Prize: Election to learned society
Therapeutic targets for triple negative breast cancer: development of mono and bispecific antibodies against Notch1 ligands
Barbas, Ana (Recipient) & Videira, Paula Alexandra (Recipient), 1 Jan 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
UNESCO Chair The Ocean's Cultural Heritage
Costa, João Paulo Oliveira e (Recipient), Brito, Cristina (Recipient), Carvalho, Patrícia (Recipient), Garcia, Ana Catarina Abrantes (Recipient), Vieira, Nina (Recipient), Pinto, Carla Alferes (Recipient), Bettencourt, José António (Recipient), Baço, Joana (Recipient), Gomes de Almeida, Isabel (Recipient) & Rosa, Maria de Fátima (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
VII Concurso de Dissertações e Teses sobre Defesa Nacional, Ministério da Defesa
Berriel, Guilherme (Recipient), 8 Dec 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
File -
14th Everis Awards for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Talent
Pacheco, Mafalda (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
1º lugar na Categoria A do II Concurso Internacional de Composição GMCL/Jorge Peixinho
Lopes, João Daniel Guerreiro Quinteiro (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Appreciation Certificate, Serendivus Conferences.
Rodrigues, José Noronha (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Other distinction
Aprovada no Concurso para Professora Substituta do Instituto Federal da Paraíba - Campus Guarabira - João Pessoa-Paraíba/Brasil
Silva, Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Other distinction
Award for outstanding academic performance of international students and doctoral candidates, University of Heidelberg
Sachoulidou, Athina (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Award Professor Doutor Manuel Pinto
Machado, Diana Isabel Oliveira (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Documentary
Luz, Ana Luísa de Oliveira Moreira da (Recipient), Sousa, Joana (Recipient), Dabo, Ansomane (Recipient), Indjai, Braima (Recipient) & Zauad, Zaino (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best paper award
Fonseca, José Manuel Matos Ribeiro da (Recipient), 20 Sept 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best paper award - DoCEIS 2015
Oliveira, Ana Inês da Silva (Recipient) & Camarinha-Matos, Luís Manuel (Recipient), 15 Apr 2015
Prize: National/international honour
Best Student in the Master of Teaching of Music in Basic Education 2013/2014
Pereira, Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo (Recipient), 7 Oct 2015
Prize: Other distinction
Bolsa de Pós-doutoramento CHAM (FCSH/CHAM/UID/HIS/04666/2013/1 BPD Pensamento)
Proença, Nuno Miguel (Recipient), Aug 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Bolsa de pós-doutoramento – referência FCT: SFRH/BPD/107834/2015 - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Gomes, Clara Sofia Barreiro (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Cátedra, Centro de Política para a Convenção dos Direitos das Crianças das Nações Unidas "Hope for Children".
Rodrigues, José Noronha (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Other distinction
Centro de História d’Aquém e d’Além-Mar
Santos, Javier Luis Álvarez (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Chevalier de la Légion d´Honneur
Pimentel, Irene (Recipient), 2015
Prize: National/international honour
Cross Sectional Data as Input for Simulations in Radiotherapy Dose Planning
Ferreira da Silva, Filipe (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Demonstrator award - A3Ple project
Martins, Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Diaspora Associative Leadership Training Course
Almeida, Inês Thomas (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
ERC Starting Grant, New-Fun, New era of printed paper electronics based on advanced functional cellulose
Pereira, Luís Miguel Nunes (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
FCT Post-doctoral fellowship/ Bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento da FCT (SFRH/BPD/110895/2015)
Proença, Nuno Miguel (Recipient), Aug 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
FCT Post-doctoral Fellowship (SFRH/BPD/102378/2014) [2015]
Franco, Irina Luísa Saraiva (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Fulbright Researcher Fellowship
Garcia, Ana Catarina Abrantes (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Honorary Fellow
Viegas, Susana Isabel Rainho (Recipient), 1 Jan 2015
Prize: National/international honour
II Europa Law Moot Court - 1st Place
Pereira Coutinho, Francisco (Recipient), 30 Mar 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Inspiring best European Practices of Responsible Research Innovation
Martinho, Graça (Recipient), 6 Aug 2015
Prize: National/international honour
MapleSoft Prize winner
Silva, Tiago Alexandre Narciso da (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Membro da rede Ibero-Americana PROTERRA
Faria, P. (Recipient), Oct 2015
Prize: Election to learned society