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11th DNA Cascais Ideas and Business contest-CINC
Viveiros, Raquel (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
13th SIEF Congress (Societe Internationale D'ethnologie Et De Folklore)
Antunes, Pedro (Recipient), Mar 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
8th edition of Young Talents Competition «Almada, Educating City»
Viveiros, Raquel (Recipient), 2017
Prize: National/international honour
Arnaldo Sampaio Award 2016
Aelenei, Daniel (Recipient), Neuparth, Nuno (Recipient), Papoila, Ana Luísa (Recipient), Martins, Pedro Carreiro (Recipient), Paixão, Paulo (Recipient) & Botelho, Maria Amália (Recipient), 16 Feb 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
ASHOKA and Schneider Electrics Foundation (2017-2018)
Gouveia, João Pedro (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
As Mulheres Mais Influentes de Portugal 2017
Fortunato, Elvira Maria Correia (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Awarded by the Ministry of Environment as one of the most important personalities in the waste sector in Portugal in the last 20 years
Martinho, Graça (Recipient), 13 Jul 2017
Prize: National/international honour
Best MA in History
Pires, Guilherme Borges (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Masters 2015/2016
Ramos, Margarida (Recipient), 25 Oct 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best oral communication award - “Best Hope - vigilância de padrões de transmissão de resistências ao VIH em Portugal: resultados preliminares”
Pingarilho, Marta (Recipient), 11 Feb 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Panel Communication on the Section “Health Microbiology and Biotechnology”: “Correlation between carbapenem resistance, β-lactamases, porins and efflux pumps in Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates.”
Antunes, Jéssica (Recipient), Machado, Diana Isabel Oliveira (Recipient), Couto, Isabel Maria dos Santos Leitão (Recipient), Pacheco, Teresa (Recipient), Batista, Judite (Recipient), Toscano, Cristina (Recipient) & Viveiros, Miguel (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best paper award - DoCEIS 2017
Ferrada, Filipa Alexandra Moreira (Recipient) & Camarinha-Matos, Luís Manuel (Recipient), 2017
Prize: National/international honour
Best Professor - ISCTE - MSc Sports Management
Madureira, Luís (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Publicly Funded Project Demonstrator award - iFlexys
Martins, Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
BIOSAFE - Preventing antimicrobial resistance in the community - the safe use of biocides
Couto, Isabel Maria dos Santos Leitão (Recipient) & Santos Costa, Sofia (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bolsa de Doutoramento
Lopes, Gonçalo Correia (Recipient), 19 Jul 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento (BPD – Post-doc Fellowship)
Mendes, Manuel João de Moura Dias (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Bolsa Individual de doutoramento FCT
Quintanilha, Tiago Filipe da Costa Lima (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Bridging Innate and Adaptive Immunity through JAK signalling
Soares, Helena (Recipient), 30 Jun 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Career in Pioneering Science, award established by ProteoMass Society
Martins, Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Certificado de reconhecimento e gratidão - Associação dos Imigrantes nos Açores.
Rodrigues, José Noronha (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Other distinction
Citation of Excellence 2017
Oliveira, Tiago (Recipient), Thomas, Manoj Abraham (Recipient) & Espadanal, Mariana (Recipient), 8 Jun 2017
Prize: National/international honour
Colaboração e Colisão: Intervenção pública e política da arte [Collaboration and Collision: Public and political intervention of art]
Cruzeiro, Cristina Pratas (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Concurso para Atribuição de Bolsas de Doutoramento e Pós-Doutoramento - 2016 (Bolsa de pós-doutoramento)
Direito, Bárbara (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Czochralski 2017
Fortunato, Elvira Maria Correia (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Development of Novel AZT Derivatives Based on Triazoles
Soares, Helena (Recipient), 30 Sept 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Clowes, Robert William (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Environmental crime in the Amazon: analysis of human security approach
López Páez, Viviana Paola (Recipient), Dec 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Ermenegildo Zegna scholarship
Palazzo, Nausica (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Extraordinary Doctorate Award
Santos, Javier Luis Álvarez (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
FCT Fellowship (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology)
Morais, Tatiana (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
HIV-1 Replication in Follicular Sanctiaries
Soares, Helena (Recipient), 6 Apr 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Honour Mention - Best Computational Model Paper Award
Carvalho, Marta Isabel Pimenta Verdete da Silva (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
INCM Innovation Prize 2017 - Secret Paper
Martins, Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Innovation award
Fortunato, Elvira Maria Correia (Recipient), Martins, Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva (Recipient), Pereira, Luís Miguel Nunes (Recipient), Barquinha, Pedro Miguel Cândido (Recipient), Goes, João Carlos da Palma (Recipient) & Oliveira, João Pedro Abreu de (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
IV Europa Law Moot Court - 3rd Place
Pereira Coutinho, Francisco (Recipient), 9 Apr 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Maboan documentary recommended to be integrated in the Library of the RAI Film Festival2016
Luz, Ana Luísa de Oliveira Moreira da (Recipient), 2017
Prize: National/international honour
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2016) from European Commission
Tomé, Liliana Sofia Carvalho (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence, European Commission,
Veiga, Ivo (Recipient), 2017
Prize: National/international honour
McGuire Medal for Junior Researchers 2017
Gonçalves, Rodrigo de Moura (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the IX Conference of the Asociación Ibérica de Historia del Pensamiento Económico.
Mata, Maria Eugénia (Recipient), 2017
Prize: National/international honour
Member of the Young Scientists Seminar of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences
Cachopo, João Pedro (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Election to learned society
Mention of the 2017 DHST Prize for Young Scholars
Sousa, M. Luísa (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Michigan Grotius Fellowship and Italian Alumni Law scholarship
Palazzo, Nausica (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
National Defence Prize 2016 / Honorable Mention
Gonçalves, Carlos da Silveira (Recipient), 2017
Prize: National/international honour