Instituto de Arqueologia e Paleociências (IAP)

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Review article

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  • 2015

    Assessment of recent process analytical technology (PAT) trends: A multiauthor review

    Simon, L. L., Pataki, H., Marosi, G., Meemken, F., Hungerbühler, K., Baiker, A., Tummala, S., Glennon, B., Kuentz, M., Steele, G., Kramer, H. J. M., Rydzak, J. W., Chen, Z., Morris, J., Kjell, F., Singh, R., Gani, R., Gernaey, K. V., Louhi-Kultanen, M., Oreilly, J., & 26 othersSandler, N., Antikainen, O., Yliruusi, J., Frohberg, P., Ulrich, J., Braatz, R. D., Leyssens, T., Von Stosch, M., Oliveira, R., Tan, R. B. H., Wu, H., Khan, M., Ogrady, D., Pandey, A., Westra, R., Delle-Case, E., Pape, D., Angelosante, D., Maret, Y., Steiger, O., Lenner, M., Abbou-Oucherif, K., Nagy, Z. K., Litster, J. D., Kamaraju, V. K. & Chiu, M. S., 16 Jan 2015, In: Organic Process Research and Development. 19, 1, p. 3-62 60 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    355 Citations (Scopus)