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NOPSSCEA Alumni Excellence Award in Education, Finalist
Coo, Stephanie Marie (Recipient), 27 Jan 2012
Prize: Other distinction
No que toca a língua e adaptação na metodologia de trabalho jesuíta no Japão: Gaspar Vilela, Alessandro Valignano e João Rodrigues Tçuzu (1549-1620).
Boscariol, Mariana Amabile (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
O gosto das coisas. O consumo de objectos artísticos pelas infantas e rainhas Avis-Beja (1430-1577)
Pinto, Carla Alferes (Recipient), 1 Feb 2015
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Onassis Fellow 2017-2018
Gurgel Pereira, Ronaldo (Recipient), 31 Jul 2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
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ONE - Humanities for the Ocean
Brito, Cristina (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
OPP - Oceans Past Platform
Holm, Poul (Recipient), Brito, Cristina (Recipient), Vieira, Nina (Recipient) & Garcia, Ana Catarina Abrantes (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Os mamíferos marinhos nas viagens marítimas pelo Atlântico entre os séculos XV e XVIII: A evolução da ciência e do conhecimento
Brito, Cristina (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Outstanding Service and Dedication
Silva, Carlos Pereira da (Recipient), 2009
Prize: National/international honour
Oxford Art Journal Prize for the Best Postgraduate Thesis in 2012
Ramos, Afonso Dias (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Papers@USA Travel Award
Coelho, Salomé Lopes (Recipient), 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Person of the Year of the Portuguese Community in Germany
Almeida, Inês Thomas (Recipient), 2013
Prize: National/international honour
PhD Fellowship SFRH/BD/43338/2008
Janeiro, Helena Teresa Ribeiro Pinto (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD Grant (34 months)
Coo, Stephanie Marie (Recipient), 1 Sept 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
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PhD Grant FCT
Morais, Marina Magalhães de (Recipient), 1 Feb 2013
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD Grant FCT - Os suplementos literários em meados do século XX: Representações no campo da produção cultural no Brasil e em Portugal
Silva, Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da (Recipient), 1 Jan 2019
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD Grant from FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology)
Ferreira, Susana Raquel de Sousa (Recipient), 1 Feb 2013
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD Research Grant at FCT
Malhado, André Filipe Cecília (Recipient), 1 Nov 2019
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD scholarship
Miranda, Catarina Bernardes Neves (Recipient), 2020
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD scholarship
Satiro, Ana Cristina Laranjinha (Recipient), Sept 2023
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD scholarship (4 years) in Chemistry provided by FCT
Wanke, Riccardo Dillon (Recipient), 1 Jan 2006
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD scholarship (4 years) in Musicology provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT),
Wanke, Riccardo Dillon (Recipient), 1 Jan 2014
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD student grant - CAPES/Brazil
Franco, Stefanie Gil (Recipient), 1 Sept 2014
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD student grant - FCT
Duarte Martins, Susana (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Photo Impulse. The Photographic Impulse: Measuring the Colonies and the Colonial Bodies. The Photographic and Filmic Archive of the Portuguese Geographic and Anthropologic Missions.
Mendes Flores, Teresa (Recipient), Medeiros, Margarida (Recipient), Cruz, Maria Teresa (Recipient), Cascais, António Fernando (Recipient), Ramos, Maria do Carmo Piçarra (Recipient), Lowndes Vicente, Filipa (Recipient), Casanova, Conceição (Recipient), Santos, Paula (Recipient) & Flores, Victor (Recipient), 1 Sept 2018
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Pojecto Exploratório - Máterias Ósseas.
Alves Cardoso, Francisca (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Other distinction
Political Studies Association, overseas conference grant
Veiga, Ivo (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
POR Nível - Developing a Placement Test fo Portuguese as a Foreign Language
Correia, Susana (Recipient), Jul 2018
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Portuguese Human Identified Skeletal Collections: Shaping their ethical and legal framework
Alves Cardoso, Francisca (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Portuguese PEN Club Award (First Book Category)
Cachopo, João Pedro (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Post-Doc (3 years) in Chemistry provided by FCT
Wanke, Riccardo Dillon (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Post-Doc fellowship in Musicology provided by University NOVA of Lisbon.
Wanke, Riccardo Dillon (Recipient), 1 Jun 2019
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Post-Doc Research Fellowship
Baumann, Stefanie (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Post-doctoral fellowiship "E. Fleischmann" - Society of Ethnology
Bonini Baraldi, Filippo (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Viegas, Susana Isabel Rainho (Recipient), 1 May 2014
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Coelho, Salomé Lopes (Recipient), 2022
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Postdoctoral Fellowship SFRH / BPD / 84612 / 2012
Rast, Erich Herrmann (Recipient), 1 Feb 2013
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship
Macagno, Fabrizio (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Post-Doctoral research scholarship in the project ANTIDOTE (reference CHIST-ERA/0002/2019), funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [2022 - 2024]
Bodlovic, Petar (Recipient), 1 Sept 2022
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Postdoctoral Working Group: “Digital Trans*formations in Africa: A Space for Intellectual and Material Capital” (Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, U.Bayreuth)
Alfieri, Noemi (Recipient), Otundo, Billian (Recipient), Doumbia, Lamine (Recipient) & Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra (Recipient), Apr 2023
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively