Activities per year
- 450 - 500 out of 2,861 results
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Trajectórias Laborais de Doutorados Precarizados em Portugal
Ana Ferreira (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Antropologia, Revolução e Visualidade
Sónia Vespeira de Almeida (Speaker)
26 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Wolfenbüttel Cod. Guelf. A Aug. 2o – Repertories, Themes, and Contexts
Bernadette Nelson (Speaker)
31 Jul 2023 → 2 Aug 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
CARMINA 4: Mário Cesariny - A Paixão da Imagem
Afonso Dias Ramos (Speaker)
24 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
"As Formas do Tempo: Imagens contra Monumentos Coloniais"
Afonso Dias Ramos (Speaker)
29 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
As humanidades digitais na compreensão da censura e da Inquisição
Hervé Baudry (Speaker)
19 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A Medicina em Portugal em torno do terramoto de 1 de novembro de 1755
Hervé Baudry (Speaker)
22 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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Richard Wagner: enraizar o passado para projectar o futuro
Inês Thomas Almeida (Speaker)
21 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Picturebooks in early language learning
Sandie Mourão (Invited speaker)
13 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Music in the art gallery or music turning up as (sound) art
Nuno Fonseca (Speaker)
10 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Sentidos comuns em lugares comuns: a experiência estética partilhada
Nuno Fonseca (Speaker)
11 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Alimentação em viagem: refeições e iguarias no diário da marquesa de Fronteira (1801-1860)
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
27 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Doubting Vision: On The Potential Of Political Filmmaking Today
Stefanie Baumann (Speaker)
28 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Literatura de Mulheres Portuguesas Afrodescendentes: Reparação da Memória e Cosmopolitismo Decolonial
Margarida Rendeiro (Invited speaker)
7 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Interpreting disease from commingled human remains: A literature review using Portugal as a case study
Sandra Assis (Speaker), Francisca Alves Cardoso (Speaker), Sílvia Casimiro (Speaker) & Charlotte Yvette Henderson (Speaker)
17 Apr 2023 → 19 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Intervenção precoce para promover a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita: o projeto PIPALE
Maria Lobo (Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Preterm Mother-Infant Interaction: Speech and Humming Condition during Kangaroo Care
Maria Eduarda Salgado Carvalho (Speaker), Bárbara Figueiredo (Speaker) & Fernanda Guimarães (Speaker)
17 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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The Littoral between Psychoanalysis and Cinema
Lucas Ferraço Nassif (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A cosmo-financial framework for interspecies treasuries
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2023 → 9 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The Swirl, the Weird and the Derivative
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
10 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
9º Feira do Livro de Maputo - Painel VI de Debate "Existo onde me desconheço" - Moderador: Celso Muianga (Moçambique); Oradores: Otildo Justino Guido (Moçambique), Luciana Brandão Leal (Brasil) e Elizabeth Olegário (Brasil)
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Invited speaker)
28 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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Palestra: Construção e reprodução das narrativas e imaginários coloniais em materiais didáticos em Cabo Verde, Brasil e em Portugal.
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker) & F. Osvaldino N. Monteiro (Speaker)
27 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Música em Theresienstadt
Tânia Sofia Gomes Valente (Speaker)
7 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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From Rosen to the 21st century: some thoughts on criticism, research, and music performance
Eduardo José Monserrate Tavares Lopes (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Agência, Memória e Cultura Material no Antigo Egipto
Maria Inês Coutinho Dinis Torres (Speaker)
Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A construção material da Raia.
Xurxo Ayán Vila (Speaker)
27 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance
Filippo Bonini Baraldi (Speaker)
4 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A palavra como pharmakon. Uma abordagem filosófica à persuasão na comunicação de saúde
Maria Grazia Rossi (Speaker)
25 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“A conferência de Wannsee e o Holocausto”
Irene Pimentel (Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Apresentação de Livro: Saliva, de Soraia Simões de Andrade, Mariposa Azual
Margarida Rendeiro (Speaker)
13 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
MARCMUS: para a criação de um Centro de Estudos de Papel de Música e Caligrafia em Portugal
António Jorge Alves Marques (Speaker)
3 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Objetos fundadores - As peças artísticas do Núcleo Arqueológico da Coleção Cenaculana e a sua caraterização figurativa.
Manuel Patrocínio (Speaker)
19 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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A Arte de Florescer: Aplicar Filosofia à Existência Ecológica
Bartholomew John Ryan (Speaker)
11 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“Portuguese discoveries in Egypt” – “The Apriés Palace, Memphis/ Kôm Tumân”
Maria Helena Trindade Lopes (Speaker)
27 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Enseigner les mathématiques en langue étrangère - Sections Européennes de Langue Française au Portugal
Christina Dechamps (Speaker)
30 Nov 2022 → 1 Dec 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Como é escavar no Egipto? Passado(s) e presente(s) da arqueologia egípcia
Maria Inês Coutinho Dinis Torres (Speaker)
Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Diálogos Anglo-portugueses e a (Traumática) Contemporaneidade de Timor no Romance-documentário The Redundancy of Courage (1991), de Timothy Mo
Rogério Puga (Speaker)
18 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
QUARESMA, J. C., BOMBICO, S.; PEREIRA, P. – Dolia ex Lusitania. Los dolia en las provincias de Hispania en época romana. Estado de la cuestión y perspectivas, 8, 9 y 10 de septiembre de 2022, Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC),Tarragona, España.
José Carlos Quaresma (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Eredità e risignificazione
Filippo De Tomasi (Speaker)
26 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Ensinar uma língua pluricêntrica: ideias e ferramentas
Marco Neves (Keynote speaker)
17 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Historical whaling in the Atlantic façade of the Iberian peninsula: from the past into the future (4-Oceans project)
Joana Baço (Invited speaker), Nina Vieira (Invited speaker) & Cristina Brito (Invited speaker)
28 Nov 2022 → 30 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
NUKE SINGING: Notes on Framing Questions of Mass Destruction in Opera
Jelena Novak (Invited speaker)
18 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Multimodalidade e argumentação: um estudo transdisciplinar em perspectiva
Rosalice Pinto (Speaker)
12 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A legislação urbana manuelina de Lisboa
Hélder Carita (Invited speaker)
3 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Genealogias do futuro operático
João Pedro Cachopo (Speaker)
18 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Mercados da Tradução em Língua Portuguesa
Marco Neves (Invited speaker)
16 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Viver (com) a escrita - Centenário de José Saramago
Margarida Rendeiro (Speaker)
24 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
De que foi a pandemia o nome?
João Pedro Cachopo (Speaker)
24 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Multimodalidade e o Ensino da Leitura Crítica: um caminho para o ensino da análise linguística/semiótica a partir de textos multimodais
Audria Leal (Invited speaker)
25 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Ontology with and without time (Sen. Ep. 58 and 120)
António de Castro Caeiro (Keynote speaker)
17 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk