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Aula no seminário "Museums as Spaces of Memory, Identity and Activism"
Afonso Dias Ramos (Speaker)
23 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
II Congreso Internacional Antigüedades de Oriente Próximo y Egipto
André Patrício (Speaker)
19 Oct 2023 → 20 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Apresentação crítica do livro "O Culto de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré – Perspectiva Multidisciplinar"
Dóris Joana Simões dos Santos (Invited speaker) & Pedro Penteado (Speaker)
28 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Com que vestuário se resgatam cativos? Traje, comércio e imagem
Carla Alferes Pinto (Speaker)
3 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Forms of solidarity
Stefanie Baumann (Speaker)
21 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Après l’Indépendance, la révolution anti-impérialiste internationale ! Cinéma et politique dans l’Alger des années rouges.
Stefanie Baumann (Speaker)
2023 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The diva is present: Em torno de 7 Deaths of Maria Callas de Marina Abramovic
João Pedro Cachopo (Speaker)
16 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“Dewey's notion of situation: Intersubjectivity, tertiary qualities and communication”
Dina Serra da Luz Mendonça (Speaker)
30 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Um case study: identidade nacional e Sebastianismo. Itinerário pelas Artes e pelas Letras
Natália Marília Massa Constâncio (Speaker) & Annabela Rita (Speaker)
14 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Pensar as coleções osteológicas humanas documentadas como biobancos: uma proposta de boas práticas de conservação
Francisca Alves Cardoso (Invited speaker) & Brígida Riso (Invited speaker)
21 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Os Revivalismos dos Séculos XIX e XX na Europa e em Portugal [The 19th and 20th Century Revivals in Europe and Portugal]
Helena Sofia Ferreira Braga (Speaker)
20 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Composição para crianças: Para uma (trans)formação de professores
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Invited speaker)
8 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A teoria de aprendizagem musical dá-te aaaaasas: Voos de criatividade musical e teatral
Ana Isabel Lemos do Carmo Pereira (Invited speaker)
15 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Historical memory and Modern Spain
Pablo Sánchez Léon (Speaker)
21 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The reclaimed city: wall painting as an expression of the April 25th Revolution in Portugal
Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro (Invited speaker)
17 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Forest of the Future Past: Immediating – Approximating Memoria (2021)
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Constitutions of value: screening + roundtable
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
24 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Deambulacion, Intercesion y resonancia: el cine como arte de la coexistencia
Erik Bordeleau (Keynote speaker)
26 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
An Ecology of Warring Practices: Foucault, Steyerl and the Ethics of Mutual Encryption
Erik Bordeleau (Keynote speaker)
18 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Dériver une oeuvre de cirque: le cas Materia
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Spheres within Spheres
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
8 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
What is an Eco-Derivative?
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
9 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Corte, rituais, quotidiano e lazer: o reinado de D. Carlos
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
13 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Infrastructuring Open Conspiracies
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
9 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A sala de aula e o palco: técnicas de gestão de stress e ansiedade
Luzia Rocha (Speaker)
28 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Etumudietu: Encontro com a Kultura - Tema: "Literaturas africanas em Língua Portuguesa. Convidadas:Elizabeth Olegário, Investigadora do Centro de Humanidades da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Marisa Valente, Leitora de Lingua Portuguesa na Universidade de Turim. Moderador Matias Mesquita, Casa de Angola na Itália
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Invited speaker)
25 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Lezione: La costruzione e la narrazione e immaginari coloniali attraverso l'organizzazione urbana, in Liceo Statale Classico GALILEO, Firenze/Itália
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker) & Antonino Condorelli (Speaker)
5 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Lezione · Conceição Evaristo – Esperienza e creazione, In l'associazione interculturale di donne Nosotras, Firenze/Itália
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker) & Antonino Condorelli (Speaker)
7 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Lezione: Reti anti-coloniali: New Black Movement, Afrocubanismo e Négritude, Università degli Studi di Siena. Siena/Italy.
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Invited speaker) & Antonino Condorelli (Invited speaker)
4 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Imaginar e inventar. Algumas interrogações iniciais sobre a sua unidade orgânica, a partir de Gilbert Simondon
Nuno Miguel Proença (Speaker)
13 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Formal and informal musical scripts in Coimbra sources from the 1570s: the hypothetical autographs of Francisco de Santa Maria
João Pedro d'Alvarenga (Speaker)
19 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
O mural modernista em Portugal e Espanha: ligações latino-americanas e europeias
Begoña Farré Torras (Speaker)
16 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Programa de Doutoramento do ICG: 30 anos a fomentar talento. Gulbenkian Ciência.
Miguel Filipe Ferreira Figueira de Faria (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Por que razão derrubamos estátuas? Movimentos contemporâneos globais.
Carlos Vargas (Speaker)
4 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Cannibal Ecologies. Images from the Past yet to Come
Giovanbattista Tusa (Invited speaker)
11 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The second Musical Care International Network meeting
Filippo Bonini Baraldi (Invited speaker)
24 May 2023 → 26 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Between Charity and Rights: the Lottery of Refugee Reception in Portugal Entre Caridade e Direitos: a Loteria do Acolhimento de Refugiados em Portugal.
Elizabeth Pilar Challinor (Speaker)
7 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Conferência de abertura
Ana Salgado (Speaker) & Maria Rute Vilhena Costa (Speaker)
15 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Investigação social estatal e sociologia: um itinerário de pesquisa em diálogo com a sociologia da educação
Frederico Martins dos Reis Ágoas (Speaker)
13 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Os refugiados da guerra civil de Espanha na fronteira portuguesa: o caso de Barrancos (1936)
Maria Dulce Simões (Speaker)
17 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Educação para a saúde: contributos da musicoterapia na neonatologia
Maria Eduarda Salgado Carvalho (Speaker)
23 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
File -
Pathos, diathesis, hexis : un approche aux émotions chez Aristote
António de Castro Caeiro (Speaker)
20 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A difícil implantação do Liberalismo
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
21 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
«Juan Marchena y la História de América en España y Portugal»
Alexandra Pelúcia (Speaker)
12 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Estudar História na Universidade dos Açores
Ana Paula Pires (Speaker)
19 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Um dia no Antigo Egipto
Maria Inês Coutinho Dinis Torres (Invited speaker)
Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Musique, danse, envie et « corps fermé » dans le Maracatu de baque solto du Pernambouc — Brésil
Filippo Bonini Baraldi (Speaker)
18 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Lecture-recital: Hans Otte : Sound of Sounds
Joana Maria Carneiro Gama (Speaker)
12 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A T.S. de modo itálico: fontes de aprovisionamento, perfis de consumo e leituras culturais no Centro e Sul de Portugal
Rodrigo Banha da Silva (Invited speaker)
21 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A Polícia de Segurança Pública durante o Estado Novo (1933-1974). Entre a obediência a um Estado autoritário e o serviço público
A. Cueto Rodríguez (Invited speaker)
10 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk