Activities per year
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"Do outro lado do Espelho"
Maria Helena Trindade Lopes (Speaker)
8 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
O thumos adoece. Doença maníaco-depressiva. Bi-polaridade. Monopolaridade. obsessão-compulsão. Adicção. Aristóteles e contemporâneos.
António de Castro Caeiro (Speaker)
23 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Modelos e critérios de análise de materiais didáticos
Susete da Conceição Costa Albino (Speaker)
21 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Pintura Mural e Revolução
Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro (Speaker)
11 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Felicidade em Aristóteles
António de Castro Caeiro (Speaker)
16 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Por que razão derrubamos estátuas? Movimentos contemporâneos globais.
Carlos Vargas (Speaker)
21 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: challenges and opportunities
Gabriele De Angelis (Speaker)
21 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Patrimônio e atividade musical no século XIX e primórdios do XX / Heritage and musical activity in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Maria José Artiaga (Speaker)
2 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Do-It-Yourself Archaeology and the Preservation of the Legacy of Work
Leonor Medeiros (Speaker)
11 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Decentring editorial history. Anticolonial networks and transnational connections - ASC Opening Week, African Studies Centre, U.Leiden
Noemi Alfieri (Invited speaker)
18 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A morte na literatura portuguesa oitocentista
António Martins Gomes (Speaker)
2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Património Industrial, Documentação e Ciência Cidadã
Leonor Medeiros (Speaker)
12 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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“A (Ma)Dona da Casa. Celestina Salgado Zenha e a obra assistencial do Asylo da Infância Desvalida de Coimbra”
Milton Pacheco (Speaker)
18 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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A difícil implementação do Liberalismo em Portugal
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
25 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“A gente vai, volta e sossegadinhos”: sobre fotografias que não existem de uma guerra que não foi
Afonso Dias Ramos (Speaker)
31 Jan 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“Instrumentalização do passado, comemorativismos e outras ritualizações. Historiografia e nacionalismos”: Mesa-redonda
Afonso Dias Ramos (Invited speaker)
20 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Presentation of project “É preciso avisar toda a gente: Música e exílio em França durante o regime do Estado Novo (1933-1974)”
Ricardo Miguel Andrade (Speaker), José Hugo Pires Castro (Speaker), Manuel Pinto Deniz Silva (Speaker) & Agnès Pellerin (Speaker)
8 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
(Des)Igualdade de Género no Mundo
Aurízia Félix Sousa Anica (Speaker)
7 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A Real Ordem de Santa Isabel: Simbolismo, poder e agraciadas
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
25 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
"Despertez lúcida (Wachheit), submersão (Versunkenheit) e sonho (Traum). Problemas limite da Fenomenologia. (Husserliana XLII)".
António de Castro Caeiro (Speaker)
11 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Ser Mulher em Tavira
Aurízia Félix Sousa Anica (Speaker)
8 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
O órgão no antigo Real Mosteiro de São Bento da Avé-Maria do Porto
Marco Brescia (Speaker) & João Manuel Neves Vaz (Speaker)
5 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
O mito de Don Giovanni
João Pedro Cachopo (Speaker)
2 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Conflito e Má-Fé em Jean-Paul Sartre
Ana Cristina Serralheiro Falcato (Speaker)
11 Apr 2024 → 12 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Teaching through Performance (roundtable)
Kristin Hoefener (Speaker)
3 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A new public model for the community Portuguese Handwriting 16th 19th century
Hervé Baudry (Speaker)
15 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“A liberdade está a passar por aqui”: práticas artísticas politizadas durante a revolução dos Cravos
Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro (Invited speaker)
8 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Formações egiptológicas em Portugal: caminhos, tendências e agentes
Guilherme Borges Pires (Speaker)
3 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Por que razão derrubamos estátuas? Movimentos contemporâneos globais.
Carlos Vargas (Speaker)
19 Jan 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Proof-of-Celebration: a Skin in the Game Protocol for Self-Collecting Digital Ensembles
Erik Bordeleau (Keynote speaker)
23 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
“Decentring editorial history. Anticolonial networks and transnational connections”. ASCL Opening Week
Noemi Alfieri (Speaker)
28 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The Game of Go: From Ancient Chinese Philosophy to Modern Computation (and back)
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
15 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Film and Death: A Film-Philosophical Analysis of Cléo from 5 to 7
Susana Isabel Rainho Viegas (Keynote speaker)
2 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Naturaleza, vecindad y extranjería en la América hispana de la Edad Moderna
Gleydi Elisa Sullón Barreto (Invited speaker)
19 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Palestra "O impacto da leitura no desenvolvimento da literacia em Cabo Verde"
Hilarino Carlos Rodrigues da Luz (Invited speaker)
14 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Muros livres e populares: A literarização das ruas na revolução portuguesa do 25 de Abril
Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro (Invited speaker)
28 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A explosão de visualismo nas ruas: as performatividades da revolução portuguesa nas artes visuais
Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro (Invited speaker)
24 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The Office of the Unspeakable Girl
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Olhares sobre a Indústria: explorar e preservar o património industrial
Leonor Medeiros (Speaker)
16 Jan 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Carving out Alternative Futures: Activism and Digital Technologies
Erik Bordeleau (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A Continual Adventure in Unpredicting the World
Erik Bordeleau (Speaker)
25 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Book presentation "Callas e os seus duplos" by João Pedro Cachopo
Joana Maria Carneiro Gama (Speaker)
27 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Participante Mesa Redonda. Etica do uso de esqueletos humanos no ensino e na investigação.
Francisca Alves Cardoso (Invited speaker)
17 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
A crise da Monarquia constitucional e a implantação da República
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
16 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
"SingingWomb Project: Contributions of prenatal singing for maternal perinatal mental health, pre and postnatal attachment and for neonatal behavioral assessment".
Maria Eduarda Salgado Carvalho (Speaker) & João Manuel Rosado Miranda Justo (Invited speaker)
27 May 2024 → 29 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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Mesa redonda História e Memória do 25 de Abril
Sónia Vespeira de Almeida (Speaker)
4 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
La musica degli Exultet nel modulo beneventano
Elsa De Luca (Invited speaker)
26 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
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Palestra: Mário Pinto de Andrade, divulgador da cultura negra, na Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira - Campus dos Malês, Bahia, Brasil
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker)
2 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Família, mulheres, educação e trabalho no final da Idade Moderna
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
15 Jan 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Correspondência e Diários Oitocentistas: Metodologias e Problemáticas
Pedro Urbano (Speaker)
6 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk