Activities per year
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(2016-2018) Bolsa POSDOC (SFRH/BPD/107722/2015) Projeto de investigação- Envelhecer em instituição: uma perspetiva interacionista sobre a prestação de cuidados”, CICS.NOVA/FCSH
Ana Paula Martins Arguelles Gil (Recipient)
2 May 2016 → 30 Aug 2018Activity: Other › Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
(2014- 2016) Bolsa de Cientista Convidada Projeto “Improvement of epidemiological health information to support public health decision and managment in Portugal – towards reduced inequalities, improved health and bilateral cooperation”.
Ana Paula Martins Arguelles Gil (Recipient)
2014 → 2016Activity: Other › Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
(2011-2014) projeto “Envelhecimento e Violência” (PTDC/CS-SOC/110311/2009) (investigadora principal), Projeto financiado pela FCT
Ana Paula Martins Arguelles Gil (Recipient)
2011 → 2014Activity: Other › Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
(2009) Bolsa POS-DOC (SFRH/BPD/46014/2008), projeto “Violência aos idosos: a invisibilidade de um problema”, CESNOVA/FCSH
Ana Paula Martins Arguelles Gil (Recipient)
Apr 2009 → Aug 2009Activity: Other › Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively