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Giovanni Dall'Olmo: cônsul-mercador veneziano na Lisboa de Quinhentos
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
29 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Marcar e falsificar: o caso dos impressores da família Galrão
Maria Teresa Esteves Payan Martins (Speaker)
1 Jan 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Palaces on the edge of the Atlantic: The architectural reformation and the space ritualization of the Portuguese royal residences during the reign of Phillip I of Habsburg (1580-1598)
Milton Pacheco (Speaker)
7 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A censura e os livros franceses: o caso de Voltaire
Maria Teresa Esteves Payan Martins (Speaker)
1 Jan 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
O mercado do livro brasileiro em Portugal
Patricia de Jesus Palma (Speaker)
4 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Aesthetics and Emotions according to William James
Nuno Miguel Bicho Campos Proença (Speaker)
5 Jul 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The Descend to the Netherworld: A comparative study on the Inanna/Ištar imagery in the Sumerian and Semitic texts
Isabel Gomes de Almeida (Speaker)
30 Sept 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
O Paraíso e as Tribos de Israel por entre os índios brasileiros: utopia e distopia de Simão de Vasconcelos
Isabel Gomes de Almeida (Speaker) & Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
4 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Police militaire et censure littéraire sous la IVe République : lʼaffaire Gérald Hervé (1955-1962)
Hervé Baudry (Speaker)
12 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
File -
PIBID e as práticas de leituras no ensino médio. Comunicação apresentada no V Encontro das Ciências da Linguagem Aplicadas ao Ensino - V ECLAE. Natal/ Brasil
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker)
12 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Among the gentlemen of the house and family...: secretaries and servants of the Portuguese embassies in London and Paris (1640-1815)
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker)
11 Jun 2011 → 2 Jul 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
William James e Sigmund Freud sobre Emoções e Afectos
Nuno Miguel Bicho Campos Proença (Speaker)
31 May 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Comércio global e redes económicas no Portugal restaurado
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
25 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Goa, principal terra d'India, nas cartas de Filippo Sassetti (1583-1588)
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
26 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Para uns estética, para outros manobras: Táticas para uma boa argumentação. Comunicação apresentada na I Semana de Letras da UFRN. Natal/Brasil.
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker)
26 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
O reencontro da indianidade: o nacionalismo goês nos anos 20
Sandra Ataíde Lobo (Speaker)
26 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Rotas mercantis de uma companhia genovesa de Seiscentos em Lis
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
3 Dec 2010 → 4 Dec 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
De civitate Dei: The artistic campaigns at Archdiocese of Braga as promoted by Saint Bartolomeu dos Mártires
Milton Pacheco (Speaker)
12 Jun 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Unfolding the Self: what does transference show?
Nuno Miguel Bicho Campos Proença (Speaker)
3 Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
O que dizem as formas lógicas dos juízos ? A partir de Die Verneinung de Freud
Nuno Miguel Bicho Campos Proença (Speaker) & Marta Filipe Alexandre (Speaker)
31 May 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Living in the tropcis with the goods of Empire: the movement of people and objects in the Portuguese Empire
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker)
25 May 2010 → 27 May 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Family conflit: the role of the Justice and society in contention for a place among legitimate and illegitimate children on the both sides of the Atlantic
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker)
11 Jul 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Os Novos 'Marginais': (Ra)poesia e Herranças Africanas. Comunicação apresentada no V Seminário Nacional de Estudos Culturais Afro-Brasileiros e III Semana Afro-Paraibana. João Pessoa, Brasil.
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker)
4 Nov 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Local speeches and the struggles against the Dutch in Brazil and Angola
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
15 Apr 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Italianos no Oriente Português (séc. XVI): entre Aventura, Comércio, Batalhas
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
1 Sept 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Os mestiços nas «Restaurações de Angola e Pernambuco. Problemáticas metodológicas e conceptuais
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
4 Mar 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Caranguejo samba de que lado?. Comunicação apresentada no V Seminário Nacional de Estudos Culturais Afro-Brasileiros e III Semana Afro-Paraibana. João Pessoa, Brasil.
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker)
4 Nov 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Manobras de Argumentação. Comunicação apresentada na XVIII Semana de Humanidades da UFRN. Natal/Brasil
Elizabeth Olegário Bezerra da Silva (Speaker)
Jun 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Discursos da «Insurreição Pernambucana
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
20 Oct 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Malaca “cosa belissima a vedere” na relação de Giovanni da Empoli (1514)
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
27 Aug 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Portugueses, Holandeses, Mestiços e Mestiçagem no Atlântico do século XVII. Problemáticas metodológicas e conceptuais
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
24 Sept 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Discursos dos «Restauradores» em Angola, Baía e Pernambuco
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
13 Nov 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Armando Martins. Um Diplomata atento ao Extremo Oriente e Focado na Relação entre Portugal e o Japão
Ana Cantante Mota Fernandes Pinto (Speaker)
Nov 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Genoveses em Lisboa nos anos da Monarquia Dual (1580-1640): uma visão de conju
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
17 Sept 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Between the coast and the Sertões: trade networks and sociability in the Portuguese Atlantic World of the eighteenth century
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker) & Maria Paula Dias Couto Paes (Speaker)
12 Jun 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Cetaceans' occurrence off the West central Portugal coast: A compilation of data from whaling, observations of opportunity and boat-based surveys.
Nina Vieira (Speaker), Cristina Brito (Speaker), Erica Sá (Speaker) & Inês Carvalho (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Transplantation of Human Organs: Therapeutic Potentialities and Ethical Dilemma
Marta Dias Barcelos (Speaker)
3 Sept 2008 → 8 Sept 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Establishing families and weaving webs: Immigration and family formation in the Portuguese Atlantic World in the late eighteenth century
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker)
26 Aug 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Giovanni da Empoli’s travels to the Portuguese Asia in the early 16th Century
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Speaker)
26 Sept 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Poster - QUARESMA, J. C. - Une hypothèse d’importation de vaisselles d’Henchir es-Srira et de Sidi Aïch au sein de la sigillée africaine A à Chãos Salgados (Mirobriga). Portugal. XXVIth Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, de 28 Setembro a 5 de Outubro de 2008, Cádis
José Carlos Quaresma (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Poster - QUARESMA, J. C. - Les importations de céramique culinaire africaine à Chãos Salgados, Santiago do Cacém (Mirobriga ?, Portugal). LRCW 3. 3rd International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry. Parma/Pisa, 26-30 March 2008
José Carlos Quaresma (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Ethical Reflection about the Tissues and Organs Donation: Between the Respect for Autonomy and the Imperious Solidarity
Marta Dias Barcelos (Speaker) & Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (Speaker)
17 Oct 2007 → 20 Oct 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
La Haute Noblesse au Maroc
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker) & André Teixeira (Speaker)
14 Dec 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
As gentes de Silves e os Descobrimentos Henriquinos
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
1 Dec 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
D. João de Meneses. Um Comendador da Ordem de Santiago e de Cristo ao serviço da monarquia no Norte de África
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
2 Jun 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The impactos of emigration Minho in illegitimacy rates on both sides of the Altantic: the case of Braga, Portugal and Sabará, Brazil
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker)
12 May 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Different birth, equal to succeed: notes on the equal division of property between legitimate and illegitimate children in both sides of the Altantic
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker)
19 Jun 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A resistência luso-brasileira aos Holandeses: imaginário e identidade
Teresa Lacerda (Speaker)
10 Dec 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The impacts of emigration Minho in illegitimacy rates on both sides of the Atlantic: yhe case of Braga, Portugal and Sabará, Brazil
Ana Luiza de Castro Pereira Gomes (Speaker)
7 Nov 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
SARRAZOLA, A.; SERRA, I.; QUARESMA, J. C. - Marinha Baixa (Aveiro, Portugal): um centro de produção de Vidro no Noroeste Peninsular. Jornadas Nacionales sobre Vidrio de la Alta Edad Media y Andalusí, San Ildefonso, 2-4 de Novembro de 2006
José Carlos Quaresma (Speaker)
2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation