- 19 results
Search results
5º Prémio de Investigação APL
Lobo, Maria (Recipient), 2002
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Aquisição de Exaustividade em Crianças Falantes de Português Europeu
Vaz, Stéphanie (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Masters 2015/2016
Ramos, Margarida (Recipient), 25 Oct 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques
Dechamps, Christina (Recipient), Jul 2022
Prize: National/international honour
COST IS1305 Training School Grant
Ramos, Margarida (Recipient), May 2016
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
ELEXIS transnational access (TNA) Grant
Ramos, Margarida (Recipient), Feb 2019
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
EUTOPIA - PHD Co-tutelle programme
Correia, Susana (Recipient), Jul 2022
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
FLAD Papers@USA grant
Duarte Martins, Susana (Recipient), 28 Jun 2022
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Language Student grant - Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Lisbona
Duarte Martins, Susana (Recipient), Jul 1995
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD student grant - FCT
Duarte Martins, Susana (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
POR Nível - Developing a Placement Test fo Portuguese as a Foreign Language
Correia, Susana (Recipient), Jul 2018
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Prémio APL/Maria Helena Mira Mateus
Sippel, Juliano (Recipient), 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
ProPerL2 - Perception and Production in L2 Speech Learning
Correia, Susana (Recipient), Mar 2023
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Scholarship Santander IE "Best Practices in Digital Education for Teachers"
Duarte Martins, Susana (Recipient), May 2020
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively