[Collection] RAAAP-3: HIBARMA - How I Became a Research Manager and Administrator

  • Simon Kerridge (Creator)
  • Melinda Fischer (Creator)
  • Cristina Oliveira (Creator)
  • Madhuri Dutta (Creator)



This collection contains the Questionnaire, Protocol, and Anonymised Data from the RAAAP-3 HIBARMA international survey of research management and administration professionals undertaken in 2022. This is the third iteration of the survey (2016, 2019 are the previous years) with the intention of building a longitunial picture of the profession around the world. To preserve anonymity the data are presented in a number of datasets linked only by AnalysisRegionofEmployment and for some by CountryOfEmployment, as many of the textual responses, even though redacted to remove institutional affiliation could be used to identify some individuals if linked to the other data. Each dataset is presented in the original SPSS format, suitable for further analyses, as well as an Excel equivalent for ease of viewing. There are additional files in this collection showing the the questionnaire and the mappings to the datasets together with the SPSS scripts used to produce the datasets.

RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Main Dataset
The main dataset (excluding a number of free text responses to preserve anonimity - these are in 17 other seprarate linked files) from the RAAAP-3 HIBARMA international survey conducted in the first part of 2022.

This is the third iteration of the triennial survey initially funded by NCURA and now endorsd by INORMS.

Other files in the collection will explain the methods used and describe the data in more detail.

The original file (.sav) is an SPSS data file.

the excel version (.xlsx) is a simple export using the variable names and value labels

RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Questionnaire
This is a PDF version of the Qualtrics questionnaire that was used to elicit the responses from the RAAAP-3 Survey. Here the exact wording used can be seen, or order to help interpret the responses. Note that as well as this English version, there was a Portuguese, Spanish (Latin American), Chinese, and partial French translation.

These are all available in the Qualtrics qsf file that will be added to this collection later

RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Associated Data Sets
RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Associated Data Sets (17 files in two formats: SPPS .sav, and Excel .xlsx).

Note that the Main dataset is in sepate figshare item.

AnyComments (identical)

AnyIssues (identical)

AreasWorkingIn (identical to RAAAP-2, not in RAAAP-1)

CareerDataset (lots more in RAAAP-3)

CurrentEmploymentStatusDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

CurrentEmploymentTypeDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

CurrentRoleLevelDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

EducationAligned (same as RAAAP-2, not in RAAAP-1)

EmployerDataset (same as RAAAP-2)

HighestQualificationSubjectDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

IdentityDetails (new in RAAAP-3)

ImpactDetails (simialar to RAAAP-2)

InstitutionCharacterDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

InstitutionTypeDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

OrgDepartmentDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

PD_OtherDetails (same as RAAAP-2)

PQ_OtherDetails (same as RAAAP-2).

RAAAP-3 Variable Mapping
RAAAP-3 Variable Mapping - showing mapping from RAAAP-1 .. RAAAP-2 .. RAAAP-3 to aid longitudinal analyses

Show which of the data points collected are in each dataset.

Some are in more than one dataset.

CountryOfEmployment and AnalysisRegionOfEmployment are in all 18 datasets to aid analysis.

Note that while some text responses have been redacted, they have also been disaggregated from other individual identifiers in order to preserve anonymity.

RAAAP-3 Codebook
Codebook for the RAAAP-3 Survey Data

12th April 2023

Note that these are exports from the RAAAP-3_MainDataset SPSS file

There are some additional text fields in some of the associated datafiles

Where there have been slight changes to questions / options from the RAAAP-1/2 surveys, and where it is sensible to do so, some additional computed fields have been added.

For example in RAAAP-1 the question on gender identity only had 3 options; {female, male, prefer not to provide}

For RAAAP-2 we added {non binary} as an option; this is retained in RAAAP-3 GenderExtended Gender

All of the backcoding is described in the SPSS syntax files

Variable Information tab is produced from SPSS: File --> Display Data File Information

Variable Values tab is produced from SPSS: File --> Display Data File Information (at the same time as Variable Information)

RAAAP-3 SPSS Syntax Files
RAAAP-3 Data Cleansing v5.sps

This syntax file is designed to take the raw SPSS data from the RAAAP-3 Qualtrics questionnaire and process it in order to, as per the RAAAP-3 Data Analysis Plan:

3. Data Identification - Removal of “non-data” (eg “click here to agree” = all are 1)

4. Systematic review of each variable - is it the correct type?

5. Data Cleansing - (eg -99  system missing)

6. Data Correcting - (eg missing response options backfilling based on free text (eg if a US state was missing from the choices this could be backcoded based on other responses))

7. Data Anonymising (removal/redaction of any text that might give rise to identification)

8. Data Recoding - for clearer analysis [eg 8 (=1 year as a research admin) recode to 1]

9. Data Rationalisation (eg “years in research administration” into 5 year bands)

10. Data Consolidation (eg merging of data fields where appropriate [3 “other” into 1] [optional step]

11. Data Fusion (eg merging of two independent fields into a complex variable [eg Gender and Age into Gender-Age] for more insightful analyses) [optional step]

After the data are cleansed:

RAAAP-3 create final datasets (for v5) 3rd May 2023.sps

is used to:

11A Data splitting and saving - to aid anonynimity, eg separating free text from multichoice responses

Note that other steps from the data analysis plan are not conducted in this SPSS file, but elsewhere
Date made available5 May 2023
Date of data production2022 -

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