To mark the 16 days of activism, the Gender and Migration research line at NOVA Refugee Legal Clinic is launching a mini-series of zoomcasts.
In today’s zoomcast, we welcome Dimitra Fragkou and Lia Kallini, who will talk about the Greek asylum system and women's protection. Dimitra is the team leader of the Migration and Armed conflict at NOVA Refugee Legal Clinic (http://novarefugeelegalclinic.cedis.f.... She is also a PhD Candidate at NOVA School of Law. Dimitra received her master's degree on Public International Law, International Criminal Law and Law of Armed Conflict in the Democritus University of Thrace. Since 2016 she has worked as a lawyer with the Greek Council for Refugees in emergency settings in Northern Greece. She was a Legal Counsellor for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and was appointed as a focal point for Victims of Torture in Northern Greece. She has also served as a caseworker for the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) in the Aegean islands. Her current project focuses on the protection of victims of torture in the Common European Asylum System. Lia was granted a law degree from the Aristoteleio University of Thessaloniki and has over 20 years of experience as a lawyer in labor, migration and refugee law. Lia has been working in the humanitarian sector as protection and legal expert with UNHCR since 2016, covering protection in camps in Northern Greece, detention and border monitoring, as well as RIS. Since August 2020, she joined Intervolves Irida Women Center in Thessaloniki (, as Head of Legal and Integration, supporting women asylum seekers and refugees with their increasing needs of legal aid and representation. To learn more about Intervolves Irida Women Center please visit: